Chapter 17

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Men, I'm kinda having a hard time at doing his character development but I'm trying my best because Eren had been so annoying this past few chapters, don't you agree? But ofcourse that will be step by step procedure because old habits die hard. 🤡

Chapter 17

Mikasa step out of the plane at three a.m and Sasha pick her up a few moments later, telling her to rest first because  it will be a long ride and she still had an operation to do. Mikasa complied and slept soundly the whole ride. She arrived at the Marley Hospital at around eight a.m   , a few minutes before the operation and she immediately  clean up herself and wore her medical clothes such as  Surgical caps , safety goggles, face shield, mask, gloves, scrubs ,  surgical gowns and others necessities needed.

Mikasa was fast, in a matter of minutes, she was ready to perform the operation and talk to the family and her co-workers. The Brain Operation took so long, it was complicated, there is a 75 percent chance that the  patient will die,combined with the hysterical family that the nurses took so long to calm down and she was nervous but she tried so hard to calm down and she was nervous but she tried so hard to be calm  and not let her hand shake the whole time.

She had to closed her eyes and took a deep breath . Everytime she felt like she is failing .

The operation took 37 hours to be done which began at early 9:05 a.m at June 23 and ended at June 25 at 1 p.m , it involved four  surgeons, seven anesthesiologist, and three nurses.

It was a miracle and they celebrated their day by sleeping and going out the next day for a restaurant dinner.

Mikasa still hadn't called Eren nor did he ever called her or texted her  as they were both busy with they're works.

"Doctor Ackerman." Mikasa turned around and was greeted by the tall man, which According to her memory was Berthold Hoover, Mikasa instantly smiled at him and waited for him to come forward to her.

"Long time no see." Berthold scratches the back of his neck and Mikasa greeted him a good evening.

"What are you doing here so late Mr. Hoover?"

" I should be the one asking you that right now, what are you doing here so late?" 

" Ah, well my shift just ended  and I plan to roam around ." She answered, her hand clinging to the straps of her sling bag , adjusting it. "Would you like to come with me?"

"Woah, your fast."

" What are you talking about?" Mikasa ask curiously but then she understand and laugh.

"No, that's not what I mean." She answered politely . " I just thought of coming to roam around with a friend , I haven't been in Marley for atleast three months and I was thinking of having some beverage. I was about to call Historia, Sasha or Ymir but then you came."

" Oh that's like I'm the last choice, or more accurate you just don't have a choice." He laugh.

" So would you mind?"

" Are you asking for a date?" He teased.

"Nah, I'm married to a confusing gay boy." She whispered the 'gay boy' part and smile at him.

"Oh congratulations."

"Thank you." Her eyes become even more vibrant as she smiled at him and he wondered how much of a man she married for her to be as happy as that.

He shook his head and put both of his hands on the pocket of his coat   as it was turning colder by the second, the snow was falling a little heavier and they're breaths is becoming foggy. Mikasa had to bury her face on her red scarf as her nose was turning red.

"How about we stop at a coffee house?" He offered and Mikasa look at her wrist watch before nodding at him.

"Yes, let's go." She agreed and they entered and sit beside a glass wall , looking at the people passing by while sipping their cappuccino.

"How have you been Mr.Hoover, no metal issues right?"

" I'm good."

" That's a relief." She smiled and continue sipping her cappuccino, enjoying the comfortable silence between them. She touch her loose hair behind her ear and stare at him.

"Why do I feel like you had a massive glow-up?" She raised her right eyebrow and  critically observed him. The man blushed under her gaze, out of embarrassment, as if he had just been discovered.

"You like Reiner, don't you?"

He blushed harder and averted his gaze at her and distract himself at the decaying cocoon he found at the most uncomfortable moment of his life. He continue to stare at it as if it was so important and Mikasa look at the cocoon too.

"I'm sure it became a beautiful butterfly." She smiled and sip her coffee. " Don't worry, I won't tell him. It's not my business."

Berthold blush and look at her skeptically, " Really?" He ask and Mikasa laugh softly.

" Well, do you want me to tell him?" 

"Wa--no!" He shakes his head and pouted, " I don't want him to find out."

"Well, that was your choice." She shakes her head slightly and get up from her seat, " I better get going, it's morning in Paradis  and I have to call Eren."


Mikasa didn't get the chance to call Eren that night and also the following nights, his number keeps saying the line was busy and just leave a message and other person is on the line, ofcourse, it upset her that she couldn't call him but she had to understand that Eren have work. He is a lawyer , trials are ongoing and she's a doctor with a busy schedule too. Mikasa decided to call the Director and ask if she could be transfered in Paradis Hospital for good. The director didn't agree at first but when she keeps on asking him to let her leave , finally he agreed and she will be Transfered at Paradis Hospital.

Mikasa called the three girls the next night and  they had a dinner at Nicolo's restaurant and Sasha announced that Niccolo is finally her boyfriend and Mikasa couldn't be even more happier, she seemed to be happier than the couple.

"So how was the bride of the group?" Ymir teases and Mikasa blushed slightly before laughing.

" Ymir, stop that." She pouted.

"Mikasa, I have an Idea." Historia's eyes were wide and sparkling as she stare at the eyes of Mikasa.  "How about we will teach you to cook for your husband? We knew how terrible you are at that."

" Right!and we don't take no for an answer!" Sasha's mouth became watery and she called her boyfriend. "Nicolo would you mind if we go to your house tomorrow and teach Mikasa how to cook?"

" It's fine." He smiled and look at Mikasa, " I can predict already that his eyes will sparkle once he taste you cooking and he will crave for you---"

" Crave for you--- I like that part." Ymir said with a perverted smile and Mikasa blushes. Historia had to punch her shoulder to stop her from saying inappropriate things.


Sorry for not updating soon because I'm lazy.

Written: July 29

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