Chapter 22

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I don't know if the last chapter actually help your curiosity or whatever.

That chapter was a perspective of a fifteen to sixteen years old Eren Yeager and now he is 25 years old in my story.

Written August 4

2:33 P.M

3:16 P.M

This story came to bite me in the ass 😭

Discard the Pink Rainbow Unicorn Apron, I find it cute, so what.

Chapter 22

   Eren is infront of the grocery store in Trost Mall and he can't find the food listed on the shopping list Mikasa had given him a while ago because she can't go right now , her stomach hurts, her monthly period is attacking her again.

Eren didn't know anything about shopping, his mother was the one who buys the necessities in his condominium where he and Mikasa lives. He scratch his scalp when he can't find the food Mikasa told him to buy, fortunately, Eren saw a staff coming to his direction.

Although, he is embarrass to ask another man about it, he still did it for the sake of the woman who's stomach is aching.  The man has a bulky built, gray eyes and black hair, his type but for some reason he felt no attraction towards it, this guy is just a cockroach. Then, his mind drifted to Mikasa's image, gray eyes and soft lips, he suddenly slap himself.

This is terribly good ! He is turning crazy, make him go to mental hospital please.

"Sir, do you need something?"

" Yes, where can I find the Sanitary napkin unit?"

The staff look at him as if he were crazy, " Pardon?"

"Sanitary napkin." He blushed, this is so embarrassing. He want to bury himself ten feet under the ground right now.

"Sir, this is a cat food unit."

"Oh yeah, I know that." He didn't, he just said he did but he didn't. Now, Eren really want to get out of here and glare at his wife until she melt but she will hit him pretty hard if he did that.

The staff led him to a unit where soap, baby powders , make ups and ofcourse an ailse of sanitary napkins is located, he bowed and said thank you in an embarrassed tone.

The only problem is which brand should he buy; there is a lot of brands names in here and he didn't ask her what brand and what type of  napkin should he buy, there is these With wings and without wings thingy.

He knew it was attached to Panties but he didn't know what's the use of that wings part, that name is so weird, it wouldn't even fly.

He always knew when Mikasa had periods and her first period was when she was eleven and was having a vacation on his house. They were having a piknik and was playing tag when
He saw that her white dress was stained with blood. They both cried that time , thinking Mikasa is sick and she needed to go to the doctors and stay there until she's fine.

He's mom said , Mikasa just wounded herself and she's fine but then he ask if he could see where the wound is located and so he could kiss it and the pain will go away. Mikasa blushed and called him 'Stupid', he laugh at the memory forgetting that he is in the public place and he's alone.

The people around him look at him weirdly and whispered to each other.

'He's losing himself.'

'What a pervert, he's looking at the napkins.'

He ignored their comments and pick each one of them, one brand after another, Mikasa didn't tell him what to buy and so he'll buy everything.

After that embarrassing moment - when the cashier and the customers look at him as if he was crazy - he immediately flee to his beloved Tesla car.

When he got home, Mikasa was still in bed while looking at their 62 inches television and watching cartoon with big human like people that doesn't look like people and they look creepy.

"Your still watching cartoons?"

Mikasa glared at him, " This is not cartoon, Eren. It's anime, Anime alright! If you keep saying this is a cartoon you'll be sleeping in the couch." 

" Alright, alright.Anime, whatever! Here's your napkins and the foods you ask."

" Thank you, Eren. You can sleep on the other side of the bed."

" Mood swings,"
He said and rested himself at her lap and watch what she was watching, AOT it said.

"What's so good at this show anyway?" He commented and Mikasa look at him weirdly.

"Don't say that, there's a lot of husbando's in these series." She rolled her eyes and look at the television again., Eren did the same but look at his wife again, Enjoying her expression and comments on what the character is saying, it was truly a good show. So good.


"How was your work,Eren?" Mikasa ask when he put on a bowl of ramen infront of her and she ate it with her chopsticks while looking at him, he was still cooking bacon and his back is an appetizing sight, discard the pink apron please.

"It's gotten good, I'm just working on Miss Daisy's property and ofcourse the Titan gang, Jean was still in Marley."

"Miss Daisy huh?"  She click her tongue, her eyes darkening for a moment, " I didn't encounter Jean in Marley though."

" It's good you don't, I don't want you seeing a horse walking in a man's body."

" Are you Jelly?"

" Jelly? Jellyfish?"

"Funny," Mikasa rolled her eyes
on him and sigh, "still not finish, if that bacon turns burnt.."

" I'm the cook here, don't you trust me?" Mikasa raised a perfect eyebrow at him and focus on eating her ramen.

"Your unpredictable."

"Yeah, pretty hard to guess what I'm thinking."

" Heh, atleast you love me."

" I said, I crush you."

" Can't I be a little delusional?"

Eren rolled his eyes and pick up the bacon with his chopsticks and blow it before putting it on her mouth, "You shouldn't."


I didn't mean that eye roll to be a gay thing, I just find it attractive. I think my classmate did that one time but whatever.

Slowly but surely.

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