Chapter 24

864 25 20

5:08 P.M
August 6

Thanks for reading ❣️

A word deeper than I love you.


    The night sky was clear with the sparkling stars above them. A mat was placed behind they're backs while Mikasa make Eren's arms as her pillow as they look at the night sky.  The silence between the two of them was comforting, she could fall asleep like this and woke up the next day with the burning sunlight.
Eren look at his side, at her face. She was smiling at the stars and he found it really beautiful. He was glad, small things like these, simple as this can make her happy.

He like how simple she is, he like how a single flower can make her so happy and a birthday cake can make her cry. Even a  friendship bracelet can make her happy or a five peso street ice cream.

He clapped his hands to get her attention , she look at him with a questioning gaze and he stood up, offering a hand for her to take.

"Since you do these romantic thing, let me do something for you too. " He grinned when she blushed and took his hand.

"Now, what?" She ask with a raised eyebrow, her excited tone couldn't be ignore.

"May I have these dance milady?"

He is supposed to ask her first before taking her hand, right?

Mikasa smiled at him , "Ofcourse sir but we don't have music."

Eren let out a small 'tch' sound before clearing his throat and beginning to sing.

When your legs don't work when they used to before
And I can't sweep you off your feet.
Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love
Will your eyes smile from your cheeks

And darling I will be living you till we're 70
And baby my heart could still fall as hard as 23
And I'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe just the touch of your hand
Oh me I fall in love with you every single day
And I just wanna tell you I am

So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beatj g heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are

Eren closed his eyes while singing the song, as if he was feeling it right now and maybe he really does feel it, he had her arms all wrap around her hips, pulling her a little bit closer as they dance clumsily under the eyes of the thousand stars. They're heartbeats were in sync with each other and Mikasa rested her head on his shoulders,
smiling gently while listening to his calming voice.

Love is really weird, don't you think? We fell for the most unexpected person and we love them with all our hearts or a quarter of it, it was a wonderful feeling.

Love will only grow more and more whenever we deny that we love the person.

Love is all about enjoying the simple things in life together and Eren felt full and so much more whenever he is with her.

Well, that's crazy,Love is crazy.
Love is weird, love is love. He won't be able to explain it but it was what it was. When Eren finished singing the song , they didn't let go of each other, instead they're hugs tightens.

"Eren, thank you for being here with me, for being in my life. For supporting me through the hardest times of my life when we were kids, thank you because your here beside me." She said, burying her face on his chest.

Eren hummed and hug her tighter.

"Thank you for being here too, you really confused the heck out of me but I know now."

" What?" She ask in a muffled voice.

"Ich bin in dich verliebt."

"I don't understand," she pouted and he chuckled because it tickled him. The contact of her lips to his chest, Mikasa is currently unaware of.

"Your the light of my life." He continued, humming beside her ears and her face reddens.
Mikasa could feel the weird fluttery feeling on her belly and she felt like she want to cry because she is so happy right now and heck yeah, love is wonderful. Eren nuzzled to her hair , smelling it's sweet lavander fragrance. "Can we stay like this a few minutes more?"

" We could stay like these the whole night if you want to." She grinned at him.

" I would love that but you will be cold." He said, worriedly. " I don't want you waking up and complaining to me."

" Say, what does 'Ich bin in dich verliebt' mean?"

" Secret!" He grinned, " You have to figure it out yourself and no, I will not let you search the meaning on the internet."

" That's unfair."

" Nothing's unfair, I learned the language of Hiruzu because I wanna go with you when we were thirteen so you gotta learn too." 

" Don't brag it on me, dear."


Mikasa was abruptly awoken that morning from the blinding sunlight spilling in from the window, the yellow rays of sunlight poured onto her pale face. She squinted her eyes, grunting and look beside her, Eren was already out of bed
and it seems like he opened the window.  She rolled her eyes, morning is the worst part of the day, she didn't want to move her lazy ass out of bed.

She opened her mouth and moan, stretching her legs and arms while looking around . The bathroom door was open, Eren always forget to close it after he finished doing his daily routine.
Once fully awaken, Mikasa stood up and go to the bathroom and cleaned her face. Eren was awake , he was already in his suit
and cooking breakfast.

Mikasa smiled to herself and went to hug him from the back, "Good morning."

"I'm cooking, what if the oil spit out to your skin?"

" Nah, it's fine. What are you cooking?"

" Fried rice, egg and Tocino." He answered, " I already prepared your chocolate milk and take a bath, your shift is at 8:30."

" Amazing, you knew my schedule more than me."

" I look at it this morning."

" Thank you, Eren."

" No problem," he shakes his head, " Twelve hours of shift is far worse than my daily work."

Eren drove her to the hospital where she is working and look at the big building with judging eyes. It was a fifty floor building and it looks scary for those people who had Acrophobia.

"Well, I'm here." Mikasa sigh, " I don't know if I will be able to go home tonight , I have another operation. I'll most likely sleep here."

"Sure, don't exhaust yourself." He smiled, " Take care, Ich liebi dich."

"See you later, take care." Mikasa smiled at him sweetly, giving him a kiss on the cheek before entering the hospital.


If you know Ich liebi dich, then hooray!!!

6:35 P.M

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