Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

   They started transferring their things to their new home with the help of their workers and Hange congratulated them for their baby. Hannah is also here with them while Levi is on his office and doing some work. New house means new life and new beginning. This is the place where they will raise their child and give the baby a good life, raise with love and not just money alone. Mikasa walk towards Hange and Hannah with a grin on her face.

"You like it?"

"I want your house, seriously." Hange chuckled. " Who knows Eren actually knows  something about fancy things and styles like this. I never thought that before especially because it doesn't seem to interest him and stuffs like that."

Oh, she forgot. People close to them didn't know that Eren is actually a gay, only his workers and his parents. Her parents didn't even know that he is gay before because he never showed it to them , who would like to show it to her father anyway?
That blonde man is too scary and too overprotective of his daughter and wife, couldn't blame her though, he loss his first wife and almost loss Mikasa in the process too.

"Mikasa, can we switch bodies I want your house?" Hannah said, still amazed by the house structure. She look at her younger cousin and smiled.

"No." Hannah pouted at her and sit on the couch like a stubborn child.

"I wish to marry a handsome and rich guy when I got older."

" What are you thinking about? You just turned eleven and your already thinking about your future husband?"

" Ofcourse," she nodded her head again and flip her long hair. " You only live once, so live your life to the fullest and not stay on a rock like a sea star."

" Sea star under a rock?"

" Yes, you are a sea star under a rock before." Why this kid!?

" Can I strangle you?" She ask, still her mouth agape and shock.
Hannah rolled her eyes and raised her eyebrow.

" I dare you."

"Stop it you two! Anyway, where is your husband?" Hange ask while looking around. She look around too, not finding the apple of her eyes and shrug as a sign that she didn't know too.  

"Maybe he is just looking around and  inspecting something?"
She thought out loud and sit on the couch.

"When will you know the baby's gender?"

"As early as fourteen weeks." Hannah cross her arms.

" Sad, the baby's gender won't be revealed for his birthday. It will be a good gender reveal too."

" Gender reveal?" She ask, thinking. " I don't like it, full of explosions and dangerous things people manage to do just to know if it's blue or pink."

" It doesn't mean to be like that. Items, you know? On cupcakes or cakes. Something like that."  Hannah suggests and She think about it while Hannah look around.

"In all fairness, you look beautiful in your wedding photo
and he framed it big in here." Hannah nodded, " he really loves you."

"I know, I know!" She answered confidently, flipping her long black hair and looking at her painted nails. " I'm the most beautiful girl he had ever seen his whole life."

" Wehh!" Hannah shakes her head. " You shouldn't be complimented, your head is getting big when you are."

" Mikasa." Hange sang her name 
and she look at her with a questioning look at her face.
" How is Eren as a husband?"

" Sometimes he is really annoying but you know, I'm fine with it. Although, he had the habit of rolling his eyes, I don't think it would be a problem. "

" Your such an understanding wife, Mikasa. " Hannah Mike her and she glared at her cousin. She held the pillow and throw it on Hannah's face.

"Ouch, you sadistic woman."


She woke up at nine a.m, sun brightly peering at her from the outside and she stretched her arms. She's still not familiar with the house , for she had only been here for two days and this house is too big for her to roam around and memorized all of this. She opened her eyes  eyes wide and scratch her itchy neck while looking around , hoping to catch a glimpse of her husband. She removed the duvet covering her body and rub her eyes, she quickly went to the bathroom and do her business.

Down the stairs, she saw Eren, today just like always, preparing breakfast and making chocolate milk for her. She stared at his back, he really has a mascular body and he look really good in apron , almost too good to let her explore other things besides his face. Eren glance at her, noticing her gaze and knowing what it means, he shook his head. He place the food infront of her and her glass of chocolate milk prepared for her.

"Good morning, how's your sleep?"

"The bed is really comfortable? I want to stay there for the rest of my life. " She answered. " What time is it again?" She took her phone out and look at her social media accounts, notifications, and replying to some messages and going through AO3 to know if the author finally updated but rolled her eyes when the story is still not updated.

Noticing the change of her mood, he ask. "What's the problem?"

"The author is still not updating."
She told him with a really gloomy aura around her. " You do not understand."

"Oh, alright." He didn't say anything much, he knows her, she loves reading stories and the current author she like had been out for a month and two weeks, how does he know? Try to listen to her ranting all the time.

"I prepare a good breakfast for you, so you will have a good morning and get rid of that bad mood, if you do not like pancakes then what shall I cook for you."

" Can I have you?" 

He look at her, terrified. He hugs his body. " I do not taste good, I taste like roaches."

" But you taste really good to me." She pouted again and drink her milk.

" Shh..mommy!" He shouted and covered his body , Mikasa couldn't help it but giggle at his actions. She held her tummy and ask.

"What's that dear? Oh your daddy is an idiot ? Oh, ofcourse he is an idiot." She smiled as if the baby is replying to her. He rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows with an irritated expression. How could she say that he is an idiot?

If anything he is an absolute genius. A genius you hear me!

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