Chapter 18

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Thanks for reading this, Happy 1k everyone.


Chapter 18

    Eren was busy, he was extremely busy and he was unable to answer his wife's calls he mentally said sorry to her. Mina came to his office with a coffee in hand and she put it on his side. Eren still had his eyes fix on his computer, he felt like his eyes would have dark spots soon but he still kept looking at the laptop  until it finally turn off and he had to put it's charger on it . He finally glanced at his side , a cold coffee and he sighed.

"Sorry, Mina but can you make another coffee for me? "

" Don't you think it's time to go home? It's literally one a.m."

" Speak for yourself. "

" I was sleeping the whole time sir. " Mina shrugged and Eren glared at her.

" I didn't pay you to sleep. "

"The law firm C. E. O was the one paying me sir."

"Oh yeah and who do you think is the C. E. O ? " He rolled his eyes and glared at her again, Mina surrendered and slumped back on her seat. "Mina, if that ugly excuse of a woman came here looking for me, tell her that I'm on a trial. "

" She'll wait until your done. " Mina said with a deadpanned expression.

"Tell her I'm on a lunch meeting with my client."

"She'll know sir, for some reason she always know if you had a meeting. " Mina rolled her eyes, " Wasn't she an eyesore? "

"Oh my gosh! Was she a stalker?" He cringed so hard , he want to cry and hug himself.  "Oh my gosh! What if he took pictures of me and then put it on her walls and kiss it, fantasizing about me. Imagine that, Mina! "

" Yeah, I wouldn't like to imagine that sir." Mina cringed too, "I'll  rather die. "

"Ahhh!!" He screamed and Mina covered her ears.

"That was high pitched!! It almost broke my eardrum." She commented.


His phone rang for the third time that day and Eren keep ignoring it as he was busy with the new case and the border the Titan Gang was trying to invade. Mina had told him to pick it up, as it is probably important. Mina glanced at her boss who rolled his eyes and pick up the phone without looking at the caller's I.D.

"It's literally three in the morning, Anonymous."  He answered with an annoyed tone and bit his nails, that for some reason doesn't have a nail polishes on them. Mina raised an eyebrow at him earlier, noticing the lack of his signature painted nails.

"Annie's giving birth!! We are in the hospital near in Mitras!!"  Armin screamed at him at the phone and he had to put his phone away from his ear. He rolled his eyes and took off his suit, now he was only in a white polo.

Armin just had to make him deaf by screaming whenever he is nervous right? Eren sigh and told Mina to go home, after that he immediately go to the parking lot and grab his Tesla and Drove to  Mitras. He ask for the person giving birth named Annie Arlert and his feet drag him to the emergency room.

There he spot Armin pacing back and forth , still on his pajama. The twins were hugging each other and peacefully asleep. There is also Armin's Grandfather, the eighty nine years old Armin Arlert the third who tried to calm his grandson.

"Yo, Armin!" He greeted and Armin look at him for a moment before continuing to pace back and forth. Eren look at the Grandpa who just shakes his head and put his oversized Jacket to his great grandchildren.

"Armin, calm down." He out his hand on the other man's shoulder and finally he sit down.

"Sorry, I was just nervous." Armin finally calm down and he sit on the bench, Eren nodded and sit down too. He look at the twins and to the grandfather. He wondered if his parents would be like that to their future grandchildren and he suddenly blushes.

He mentally say sorry to Mikasa for thinking of her so inappropriately.


Just like what they talk about last night , Mikasa will learn how to cook under the guide of a five star restaurant's chef for free and she's more than happy to comply.

She will learn how to cook and for free, besides who doesn't like free?

Mikasa goes shopping at early seven in the morning.

Earlier than that, Mikasa received a call from Armin that Annie gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Mikasa was happy that the baby came out as a healthy fat baby girl and Armin was actually crying while delivering the message to her.

Nicolo's house was a big two storey in a fancy Village of Marley's country side. She told the guard that she will go to the house of a man named Nicolo and let her enter, taking her I.d in the process.

She manoeuvered her car to her destination and she was greeted by Sasha when she spot the black and white house of Nicolo. She smiled and Park her car, Sasha came to her and give her an air knocking hug.

"Congratulations again." Sasha blushed furiously and led her inside. They sat on a black long sofa and a made came and bring them a glass of fresh juice, Nicolo came down the stairs and greeted them.

"I'm so lucky I will be the first one to taste the food you and Nicoo will cook." Sasha said dreamingly, her mouth watering in the process.

Mikasa shakes her head and was extremely amazed by how Sasha managed to stay fit despite of how many days and carbs she eats.

"Mikasa," Nicolo called and Mikasa went inside the kitchen, a big smile on her face..
"Tell me what is Eren's favorite food?"

" It's bacon, that's why I brought a lot of bacon with me, Incase you ask." She quickly brought her hands up that contains a plastic bag of Bacon's and some other ingredients.

"Wow, your ready!"

" Ofcourse I am."

Mikasa and Nicolo cook a Bacon wrapped Chicken and Bacon Cabbage Dippers and present it to their taster. Sasha agreed to them and ate all the food they cook , Mikasa was extremely happy despite being so tired.

She doze off  on their couch after that.

"Nicolo?" Sasha grinned at him, "Would you like an appetizing snack?" 

She wink while eating the food they cook.

Nicolo's eyes widen and he blushed, he gulp and gently pull his girlfriend upstairs were all the fun starts. Mikasa heard it all but chose to ignore as she doze off into imagining Eren's reaction to her cooking ability. Sasha said she is a good cook and Eren will like it , Mikasa imagined as she imagined Eren enjoying the food she will cook and she promised : she will cook for him for the rest of their eternity.


Time to fix his Character,lol!
July 30

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