Chapter 38

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What a follower!🤣

Chapter 38

She hummed and swayed her body in the beat of the classical music she is currently listening to. Eren is watching her, his eyes almost gotten so small and he really want to shout at her but he didn't want to make her cry, she had been playing the same song for about three hours now and it is currently nine p.m, he will lose his Braincells because of this. She is still singing as if she is in an opera and she is the female lead of it.

"Eren, join me." She invited him with a really bright smile on her face. Two months baby bump, it wasn't that big but it was already a little visible, like you have a small belly fat. Eren shakes his head, saying that he enjoys watching her.

"But Eren--"

"Have fun, Mikasa. I'll watch you." He smiled again, trying to convince her that he is will happily watch her from the couch and she shrugged her shoulders, she didn't bother to ask him for more.

"What do you think will be the gender of our baby?"

Eren look at her, " Girl or boy, I will still love him or her."

" No, I mean specific gender of the child you want to come out first."

" Then, a big brother so he will protect his little siblings? But I don't know about that Zeke and I always fight when I was a kid even though we have a ten years age Gap."

One week more and It will be Mikasa's birthday, so he is really busy and the renovation of their home is almost done. That house belongs to his great grandmother, just needed a few more changes and everything will be in a good shape and then he can finally say a happy birthday to her.

It was tiring especially that she constantly ask for food and needed care because she usually complain to him about a certain things he doesn't even know. He sighed and stroke her hair , watching her peacefully sleep against his chest, they were still on the sofa.

Eren decided to get up and carry her, she gained pounds but he is still able to carry her on their bed. He kissed her forehead and belly, speaking softly he bid a goodnight to his baby, his sweet child.


She was looking at their closet when she spot a certain bag, the bag was beautifully design, it was black with silver linings. She got so curious and she pulled it out, she open the zipper and she was shock at what she saw.

It was his clothes, those cyan colored shirts and especially the pink ones that she had cried about the last time. Mikasa look at the bag again, tears starting to gather at the corner of her eyes. He really throw those away, she smiled. Even though she didn't tell him to discard all of those, he did it by himself. Eren went inside their room wearing the unicorn theme apron, he look at her then to the bag she is holding.

He raised his eyebrow, a questioning look visible on her face.

"Mikasa, what are you doing?"

"Your throwing all of this?"

" Yes, I will."

" Just donate it."

"Who would like a second hand boxers and briefs?" He raised his eyebrows again, his hand resting on his hip. The spatula was kept firmly.

She pouted, " but it's a waste to throw it all away."

" I--" he sighed, getting the bag out of her hand. " You really need to go to sleep, you look tired."

" Eh, you have eye bags though," even when all you do is to sleep.

"What!?" He tense up, searching for a mirror. His perfect skin, he look at the mirror and calm down, it can be hidden under a concealer.
"Mikasa, Is wearing a concealer when your a man considered gay?"

She rolled her eyes, puffing her cheeks. " Ofcourse not, a lot of idols do that." 

" Then, I'm using concealer tommorow." He grinned at her, " I'll be at work and your birthday's coming up too."

" Don't remind me that I'm getting older."

" Alright, you need to go and sleep Mrs. Preggy."

" Don't call me that--"

" Mrs. preggy."

" One.."

" Preggy--"

" It's annoying."

" What the heck is that for!?"

He ended up being hit by the spatula he is holding a while ago. He pouted and playfully glared at her, that hurts actually. Wanna try it? He massaged his head but then he shrugged as he guided his wife to their room, Mikasa is still glaring at him.

He felt like a battered husband all of a sudden, dramatic men.

"You need to sleep, we have a check up tomorrow and a lot of things must be done too."

" I can say the exact same thing to you, it's not good to stay up so late almost everyday Eren." She sigh, a worried expression on her face.

Oh wow, what a bipolar!

"Not getting enough sleep may cause brain to eat itself."

" Huh?"

" That is called phagocytosis." She rolled herself on the other side of the bed, getting into a much more comfortable position.

Eren stared at her with a horrified Expression, he gulp and tried to calm himself.

"Your kidding me right?"

"How many times do I have to tell you that I never joke." She stated. " I only speak facts. The truth alone." 


It's so short.😭😭😭😭

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