The Quidditch World Cup

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I love that edit ^ XD


Harry: "Hello! I'm Harry Potter. And you are?"

Draco: UwU *Studies the bootiful boi's handsome face* "Not as straight as I thought I was." *bites lip*

Harry: Is that so? *Winks*

Draco: *Internal screaming and blushes* "M- My f-f-father will hear a-about this!"

Harry: *Grabs the cute boi's hand* "Will your father also hear about this?"

Draco: *Internal major screaming* O-O

Harry: *kisses cute boi's knuckles like a prince would*

Draco: *Internal major gay screaming and blushes like mad* "Reeee! U-Uh, I'm Draco."

Harry: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Draco. Tu es si belle (You're So Beautiful)"

Draco: "U-Uh, Thank you." *Blushes the colour of a red rose*

Why am I making some sort of Role Play? XD


On with the Drarry!


Sooner than later, the Quidditch World Cup has made its way to England. Ron seemed more excited to see Victor Krum than the Bulgarian Quidditch team, besides, it's not like they are actually going to meet anyone famous.

Ron had more Quidditch merch than anybody else in his family. He and Harry supported Bulgaria whereas his siblings Fred, George and Ginny supported Ireland.

Hermione didn't exactly know who she supported in Quidditch. It was all just so confusing, it was like soccer, but in the air with brooms. Much like the muggle sports, so she just wore her Gryffindor scarf.

In the morning before the Quidditch world cup, everyone dug deep through their closets to find either Bulgarian or Ireland Quidditch merch, all ending in flags, hats, scarves, socks, shirts, the list could go on.After about an hour, everyone had found their chosen Quidditch merch to wear to the Quidditch World Cup.

Mr Weasley gathered everybody up in the dining room. "Alright everyone, time to go," he called, getting everyone out of the burrow with a bag filled with food and supplies on his back.

The walk was long and boring, Ron and Harry didn't even know where they were going. Harry kept thinking about what the Quidditch World Cup would be like as he's never actually seen a real match of quidditch, except for himself in the game. He would have felt overwhelmed with excitement, but that excitement turned down, forming a spiral of depression inside of him. He was sad that Sirius could not make it, due to him escaping Azkaban and having to hide away from the ministry. Not only that but now he just didn't feel like going. He really couldn't be bothered to, but he must for Ron and Hermione. He was snapped right out of his thoughts as they had been interrupted by Ron.

"Are we there yet" whined Ron, feeling his legs nearly give up on him. 

Harry thought of Malfoy instantly after Ron had said that. Malfoy and how a bit whiny he was in their first year. He knows he does kind of have a thing for Draco, for some unknown reason. Well, how handsome he was, he has to admit. He has always wanted to touch his hair; it looks so soft. Those sweet thin lips and how he wants to kiss them every morning. He blushed before realizing he was thinking about a certain blonde Slytherin. No! Snap out of it, Harry. You're going too far. However, he was snapped out of his thoughts, yet again, by Mr Weasley.

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