New light, new Love

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Draco smiled when waking up next to the bloke he loves so much. He ran his hands gently through Harry's dark hair and placed that daily morning kiss to his lips. When emerald green eyes fluttered open, he just fell deeper in love with this Gryffindor boy. "You know, my darling. My idea of a perfect morning is waking up next to you."

Harry smiled and raised his hand to caress Draco's soft cheek. "Yeah, well... I love when I wake up in the morning and the first thing I see is your gorgeous ass."

Draco snorted quietly and kissed him. "C'mon, let's get up and head down to breakfast," he said as he pulled away from the kiss and got off the bed.

Harry sighed. He didn't want to get up at all. Who wouldn't if the person you love so much is lying next to you? "Alright."

After they were dressed, Draco made sure to store his citrus flavoured hair gel on the bottom of his trunk. He still went to the bathroom with his second hair gel to Style his hair before going down to the kitchen arm in arm with Harry.

Ron kept staring at the couple with grins as he knew exactly what they did last night in his bedroom. Merlin save him if the room smelt of sex.

Harry buttered his toast and spread some of Mrs Weasley's homemade strawberry jam onto the toast. But just as he was about to take a bite from the toast, the familiar sound of the Floo excited everyone as they had no clue who was visiting at such early hours. Harry and Draco thought it'd be Severus, but they were entirely wrong. The people who walked into the kitchen hand in hand were Bill Weasley with Fleur Delacour.

"Good morning, everyone," said Bill with a smile. His eyes travelled to Harry and then to Draco, the Slytherin in the house. It seems like He has a lot of capturing up to do with that couple.

"'Ello!" said Fleur cheerfully, her smile lighting up her face. She looked over at all the smiling faces of the Weasley family. "Eet iz so good to meet all of you!"

Harry could recognise that lady's French accent from anywhere. Fleur Delacour, the girl's sister he saved at the Tournament. He gave her a smile, which Fleur returned.

Mrs Weasley grimaced at the sight of the lady but gave her a welcoming smile as she walked up to the two. "Ah, Bill, Fleur, such a moving morning having you arrive unexpectedly," she said sweetly. "How long exactly are you staying for?" she tried not to sound rude.

"Mom," Bill said firmly. "I told you over owl that we'll be staying for the remainder of the holidays following our engagement."

Everyone at the table listened closely to the conversation going on between the three adults. Especially with the word 'engagement'.

"Engagement?" repeated Mrs Weasley in disbelief but also disapproval. "I said nothing of the sorts for you to get engaged!"

Bill's face was serious. "Mum, I told you this...don't you remember we're getting married next year?" His voice quietened, "And it's not your decision who I decide to marry or not."

Mrs Weasley huffed in annoyance. Of course, she knew. "Right."

Bill cut her off, "And we'll be staying in my room for the rest of the holidays, mum."

"No, no, you'll not be sleeping together at all," said Mrs Weasley strictly with a shake of her head. "You will be up in your own room while Fleur will be sleeping in Ginny's room."

Ginny raised an eyebrow at the Veela. She wondered just how nice this woman would be, "Okay." She grabbed her toast and ate in silence.

Ron leaned closer to Harry to whisper, "Mum dislikes Fleur. I don't know why, but I think it's because Bill and Fleur are 'taking it too fast' in the relationship."

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