The hummer

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I love that Gif ^



Draco woke up to the sound of soft snoring beside him. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a handsome guy lying next to him. He laughed quietly and just lay there, waiting until his boyfriend woke up. He didn't care what the time was, all he wanted to do was spend the entire day if possible, with this bloke sleeping in bed with him.

They had spent the night together talking about Quidditch and their favorite teams, their favourite Quidditch moves, and even the Quidditch World Cup until it got tiring and they fell asleep together. 

He ran his hand gently over Harry's raven hair but pulled his hand back right after Harry's nose twitched. He watched as the sleeping boy sneezed in his sleep. He smiled at the adorable little sneeze and pulled the blanket up over his boyfriend's shoulders. He watched as those beautiful Emerald green eyes fluttered open and he reached an arm over Harry's head, grabbing Harry's glasses from the bedside table and placed them on Harry's nose. He kissed Harry on the forehead. "Good morning." That was his first good morning forehead kiss to Harry as a couple.

Harry yawned, rubbed his eyes from sleep and looked up at the blonde that lay next to him. "Morning," he said tiredly and could not believe he never had a nightmare during his slumber. Perhaps, it was because of having Draco near him. Yeah, that must be it.

Draco smiled and leaned down for a real morning kiss, which he never thought he'd ever get back. Harry slowly smiled into the kiss and leisurely wrapped his hands around Draco's neck to pull him closer. Both boys' eyes fluttered open at the same time as they leaned away from the morning kiss and they stared into the other's eyes.

Draco ran his hand through Harry's hair again, pulling his knees up either side of Harry's waist, and leaned down for another quick kiss. Harry leaned back onto the pillow and kissed him back slowly as he was still tired. But Draco's kisses were like electricity to him and giving him the energy to keep kissing his boyfriend no matter how tired he was. Draco nibbled at Harry's bottom lip and they both slowly broke away out of the kiss. "I think we'd better get ready for the day; don't you think?"

Harry sighed slowly, not wanting to do anything except be with this guy the entire day. He just wanted to sleep and lay with his boyfriend until the very next day. No, not until a week later.

Draco leaned up away from Harry and pinched his nose when he got a whiff of Harry's breath. "Augh!" he said and wrinkled his nose. He was only being a git. "You have morning breath."

"Well, your breath doesn't smell like bunnies or chocolate either," Harry mumbled sleepily and rubbed his hands over his face to get rid of the sleepiness. He looked up at his boyfriend who was sitting on his waist with a look of confusion over his face.

Draco raised an eyebrow curiously, wondering if bunny rabbits do have a smell. He's never touched or been near one so he wouldn't know. Is it the fur that smells or the body? "Bunnies have a smell?"

Harry smiled at the question and yawned. He yet again slept like a baby last night. "It's just a figure of speech, Draco," he said as he reached up and rubbed Draco's chest. When doing so he felt something a little hard on his lower stomach. "But I am pretty sure they do have a smell but only to predators."

Draco smirked and completely ignored the whole sentence except for two words Harry said. "I agree that you are very pretty, Harry."

Harry felt his cheeks warm up from the compliment and he sat up, resting his forehead against Draco's with his eyes closed. "That's not what I was saying but sure, you also are very pretty too," he said and opened his eyes. He was surprised by the meeting of soft lips on his own and so he tilted his head to the side and kissed Draco back slowly. But then he pulled away to say, "I'm never going to be able to get out of bed if you keep snogging me."

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