The 'L' Word

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed down to the greenhouses on a cold Tuesday Morning. The grass crunched under their feet as they exited the castle into the chilly November air, and they wrapped their cloaks around them to keep the cold out. Harry walked in between Ron and Hermione, though he felt guilty when doing so because he knows they only wanted to walk together hand in hand. He understands them, as every day he wants to go to class with Draco by his side, even if it is Ancient Runes. He had seen Ron and Hermione glancing at each other and reaching their hands out towards each other while Harry walked ahead.

They arrive at Greenhouse three, where Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students mix throughout the room, and Harry stands by Neville who looked quite organised. He guessed that all was because of Blaise's organisation skills, no doubt. "Morning," he says to Neville, forcing a big smile onto his lips. He was tired, didn't get enough sleep last night and felt guilty even though he knows he shouldn't be feeling so down because of his friends and what happened minutes ago. He thinks, I hate emotions.

"Morning Harry," Neville replies back, smiling brightly. "How's everything going for you?"

"Good, and yourself?" Harry says quickly, looking over at the front of the class at the chalkboard. He sighs quietly to himself as he realises they'll be doing something with Baby Whomping Willows. According to Professor Sprout, they'll be taking care of baby Whomping Willows from seed to juvenile which seemed like a lot to do. Harry partnered with Neville since Hermione and Ron would be partnering together. All they had to do is water it and write a detailed description of the tree. It was simple enough for Harry and Neville to complete in under ten minutes. But since they were done, as were many other students, they had to read about Sneezewart.

On the way to Potions, Harry spots Draco exiting one of the spiral staircases from the fourth floor. He smiles slightly and jogs after him. Once he's close enough, he jumps into a hug and kisses him passionately. Draco barely had a chance to breathe, and he nearly fell backwards from the sudden weight of the hug. As he knew what was happening, he smiles in the kiss and lifts Harry off his feet for a second.

"How was Ancient Runes?" Harry asked casually, leaning back, and staring into silver eyes.

Draco closes his eyes and sighs, and Harry cups Draco's cheek and gently caresses it with his thumb. "It was boring like always," he drawls, leaning his cheek into Harry's hand. He suddenly grabs hold of Harry's hand, turns his head and kisses Harry's palm. Harry chuckles, his cheeks colouring a lovely shade of dark pink. "But I got through it. It's an important subject for me anyway."

Harry nods and they start heading down to the Dungeons for Potions. He couldn't bare going into a class that seemed easier to fall asleep than when in his bed. Like Divination, for example. But he's taking it because he still doesn't know what he wants to do outside of Hogwarts. It could, somehow, be a part of his future job.

They line out outside of the Potions classroom behind Pansy and Daphne. Seamus and Dean joined the line behind them, and so did Hermione and Ron. Draco pinned Harry to the wall and began making out with him in front of their classmates, wanting them all to know how much he loves Harry even though he knows they all would know. He just wants to express it by being as close as possible to Harry with his arms tightly around him and kissing him like there's no tomorrow.

Severus walked past his students to the front, ignoring the two that were snogging, and opened the classroom door, in his hands were his large Potions book and a box of chocolates. Fricking teenagers and their shenanigans. "Inside now," he snarls.

The Gryffindors and Slytherin students all rushed inside the classroom and took their seats. Harry and Draco sat behind Hermione and Ron. On everyone's tables were cockatoos in cages.

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