I'm sorry, I could help it.

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Harry had finally finished his Transfiguration examination, now he had charms. He was nervous even if he knew would have at least scraped an E because of the studying he did with Draco in the Library's Secret Room. But he also studied with Ron and Hermione on most nights, as he promised her.

He watched Hermione and a few other students leaving the chamber into the Great Hall. Nervous butterflies filling his stomach, but they were nowhere near as fluttery whenever he was with Draco before they even started dating. Like when Draco just enters a room, the butterflies come alive. Why is he thinking of this now when he has examinations to do? Snap out of it, Harry, he thought while pinching the back of his hand.

Finally, his name was called by Professor Flitwick. He entered the classroom finding the Wizard who was described to him. Professor Tofty, it was. A bald man, very bald man and ancient indeed. How are wizards and witches still alive if they had been examining students since Dumbledore was his age? How is that even possible? Surely there isn't actually any spells, right? Merlin... If there were. What if they all were using some kind of stone... like the Philosopher's stone. C'mon Harry, he thought. Snap out of these thoughts! You have an examination to do.

But as he locked eyes with Draco, he smiled and winked at him. It seemed he was halfway through his examination already. He hoped he was doing okay, but knowing the Slytherin, he would have been doing great!

Draco blinked and smiled dreamily at Harry while losing concentration of his spell and the wine glass he levitated fell to the floor and smashed. He didn't even flinch at the loud noise the wine glass made as his heart was thumping loud in his chest as his boyfriend entered the Great Hall with his usual hot black mess of hair, gorgeous green eyes staring back at him. He felt like he was falling off his chair. He actually nearly did fall off his chair but managed to steady himself.

Draco's examiner waved his hand over the Slytherin's eyes, but Draco did not blink or look up at him. His eyes were focused on his boyfriend with that dreamy smile just for Harry.

Harry grimaced as he knew that was his fault. Oh, how he hoped that wouldn't have affected Draco's grades. But it was quite hilarious when he noticed that Draco didn't even look up at his examiner when his hand waved over Draco's eyes. It was adorable knowing that he was a distraction to Draco. He just hoped he wasn't a complete distraction. When Draco gave him a reassuring smile, he nodded and headed to Professor Tofty.


"You sodding idiot," Draco muttered into his ear as Harry struggled in his arms under the gleeful eye of Umbridge. "What the hell were you thinking?"

"Take his wand," Umbridge tutted over to Draco. Draco reached into Harry's pocket and slid out the wand. Harry watched as Draco adjusted his features into a look of amusement and casually flipped Harry's wand up in the air.

"Mr Malfoy, be so kind as to fetch Professor Snape. Tell him I require more Veritaserum."

Draco looked over at Harry, their eyes locked for a minute and then Harry smiled.

When Draco returned with Snape, he could tell that Draco had been yelled at by the Potions master. He was pale, paler than usual. Snape swept into the room and Harry could feel the anger radiating off him. He almost sagged with relief when Snape told Umbridge that there was no more Veritaserum in his storerooms.

Harry wasn't sure what would happen next, and when Hermione started to babble about a weapon, He looked at Hermione in disbelief. She must have had a plan, but he didn't have a clue about what it was. He saw Draco giving him a curious look but just shrugged and winked.

When Umbridge announced that she would go with Harry and Hermione to retrieve the secret weapon he saw Draco straighten up. Harry knew that Draco was thinking that this could be the chance they needed to get away. If Draco could slip him his wand there was a chance. Three to one against Umbridge would make it easy. He heard Draco volunteer help guard them. His hopes were dashed as he heard Umbridge turned down Draco's offer. She hurried Hermione and Harry out the door. Harry gave one last look to Draco standing in the middle of the room, his face set.

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