A Christmas Together

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood at the top of the High Street in Hogsmeade. "So, where are we going to meet again?" Hermione asked and looked from Ron to Harry. "The Three Broomsticks in an hour perhaps? Oh, and please, no peeking at what shops I'm going into."

Ron and Harry exchanged glances. They knew that Hermione did all her shopping at Smythwick's bookstore, and there was no danger that they wouldn't be shopping there. They both nodded their head at their bushy-haired friend.

"Sure thing, and meet back in one hour," Harry confirmed. He quickly moved down the street to the bookstore to buy Hermione's present. There were a number of Hogwarts students in the shop and Harry poked around looking at the tons of books on display.

He finally found a book that he knew, in his gut, Hermione would like to read. '101 spells and enchantments for the young and talented' and 'The hardest guide to performing magical incantations'. It was perfect! He pulled out the right number of Galleons, gave them to the bookkeeper and left the store. He knew Ron didn't like reading, so he made his way down to the sweet shop, brought some sweets and headed to Zonko's to buy Ron something he knew he'd like.

Harry then went for a little search around Hogwarts to find something for Draco. Yes, he wanted to buy Draco a gift though he knew the blonde probably had everything. It was quite hard to find something Draco would like but he eventually found a few things. He got him a 34 Printing everlasting Moon Lamp which had two colours, white and yellow, and the only way to light it up was by tapping once on it. It reminded him of a muggle gift a little bit just because of its structure. The reason he got this for Draco is because he wanted to show the blonde just how beautiful the silvery moon was, and how unique his silver eyes were.

He also got Draco a Crystal Ball with a 3D solar system inside the glass and a silver stand to go with it. It was to remind him that their friendship meant more than the world to him. It's a little cheesy, and Harry knows this, but Harry won't tell him. It would be like a secret Santa. And for Ivy since he knows she likes witchery stuff he got her some tarot cards and a carved deer skull to put on a wall. Also, for Hermione, he got her a Clutch that looks like an old leather book and a red mug that says 'My books are my best friends', in white cursive letters. He got Ron a black wallet with little hand-stitched snitches on it and an O-shaped magnetic levitation globe with the Earth in the center of it. He just thought that Ron would like to see what the Earth looks like when spinning around and levitating inside a circle.

He hurried to meet Ron and Hermione at the Three Broomsticks. He just hoped Draco and Ivy would like their presents. The only thing that troubled him was how he was going to wrap it. Hermione was the last to arrive, carrying large rectangular packages.

"I am finally done at last!" She said with a smile and guided them through The Three Broomsticks until they found a seat together on the left side of the restaurant. "Harry, may I please use Hedwig to deliver my parents presents?"

"Of course, she'll be glad to get out and fly," Harry said and looked around the room. Draco was at a table on the other side of the room. Ron and Hermione had seen him also. Hermione gave Harry a knowing look. Harry looked down at his Butterbeer to hide the clear blush on his face from being caught staring. He felt the need to look up, so he did, Silver eyes locked with Emerald green and Harry smiled at the blonde Slytherin, Draco returned the smile and wriggled his fingers at Harry. Harry nearly fell off his chair from that gesture as he felt his cheeks burn a darker shade of red and looked back down at his Butterbeer.

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