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"For the last time, I don't want to be with you! Im
Sorry! Just because I agreed to be on friendly terms does NOT MEAN I want to get back together. I MOVED ON!!! Friends mean just that, FRIENDS! It's Ovvverrrrrrrrrr!!!!!" J exclaims into the phone as she paces before the 'floor to ceiling' living room window over looking Manhattan.

"Hey, I'm just looking out for you, because I don't like the person you become. I rather you leave Trump's negative influence, the coffee shop work, and whatever you are doing and come back. Once you are done, you'll come back here. And we can be together again! : D" The ex, M, says on the other end of the line.

"Yeah, TO VISIT!!! You DON'T Control my life!!! You can't tell me when I'm coming and going!!! AND FOR THE LAST TIME ITS OVERRRR! I MOVED ON!!!"

"Yeah, with a rich billionaire that only wants your body," he says in a snarky jealous tone in attempt to manipulate her. "When will you be done with him anyway? You can come back to ME, a real man."

M misses J, but not in a healthy way. He was also her first boyfriend so she didn't realize how annoying he was until well into the relationship. When they were together, he used to be very toxic and controlling - randomly lashing out at her on holidays because "he doesn't celebrate holidays," embarrassing her in front her family by catching random attitudes towards her, getting extremely jealous when she simply greets and makes small talk with platonic guy friends, pressuring her for sex every time they met up, etc etc, etc, the list goes on. On top of that, he also was a nobody himself, working a min wage job at 30yrs and living at home with his parents. He couldn't even hold onto a job or friends because he'll get fired for making inappropriate and mean comments.

J was a lot more shy back then, and struggled to stand up for herself. She struggled with depression and was unemployed. There was a feeling of feeling stuck in life going nowhere, and M was not helping at all. She believed him when M put her down by saying she's too "slow" or "distracted/ADHD" or "autistic" or "too good." By all means, there is nothing wrong with ADHD or autism or being a good person, but when he used these terms, he in particular meant them as an insult or smear. He also pressured her for sex, so she fooled around with him out of sheer obligation. But she felt a bit disgusted and just could not go all the way for some reason. Something in her body felt like a big "No."

Not to mention her feeling depressed whenever she met up with him. Everything just felt so tiring. That is until she started paying attention to politics and the Trump Presidency. Trump's tough and courageous attitude inspired something within her. As the President being her new found role model, she began to take more ownership of her life, trying new college courses to explore careers, applying for new opportunities, etc.


"Who are you talking to?" Trump inquires, more like demands, as he strolls into the living room.

Her heart skips a beat.

"Uh....um...um my ex," she answers, holding the phone to her chest. It's hard for her to lie.

"Your ex??!!"

"Yeah... It's not what you think. He called me out of the blue and is just being annoy-."

"Give me the phone. NOW!"

J dutifully hands Mr. Trump the phone, freaking out inside.


"Heyyyy! Mr. Tr.. I mean President Trump! How it's going?!" M stammers on the other end. He begins to lie and praise the President despite being a huge liberal that actually dislikes Trump. "I love your work man!!!"


Mr. Trump glares at J and whispers pointing to the phone. "I'll be right back." He leaves with her phone and goes into another room.

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