Press Conference

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Disclaimer: Smut...


"And that is why I won't be able to come in today. Sorry."

"I understand J, but you do realize it's your third absence in less than two weeks. You are running out of PTO. So after today, if you call out again, you'll need a doctors note excusing you."

"I understand."

"Ok, get some rest! I hope you feel better, I really do!"


"Ok, see you later!"

"Bye bye!"

J hangs up the phone to her boss and looks from the bed at the beautiful early morning sunrise outside the floor to ceiling window.

Ok, time to get ready then!

Now J is no Melania nor does the small awkward girl expects herself to be as gorgeous, but after a visit to the hair and nail salons, and a change into some of her best clothes, she transformed into what one would consider a better version of herself, like a heroine from a magical girl anime. The girl looked so beautiful in her own way, makeup on par and not a strand of hair was out of place, as she waited for him in front of Trump's iconic building. People passing by, many of them tourists, did a double take to look the mesmerizing girl once over. Who is THAT? some of them thought.

At one point, an overweight man in old dirty sweats approached her

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At one point, an overweight man in old dirty sweats approached her.

"Hey beautiful! Can I interest you in a date?" He asks her in a sleazy voice.

"No thank you," she responds coldly with her arms cross. Why it always have to be these types that want to come and annoy her?!

"Why not? Yous have a man don't cha?"


"C'mon, baby! He won't know."

"I said I'm not interested."

"Ok, sorry... your man is lucky to have a loyal girl like you." He walks away, dejected.

She rolls her eyes. Thank goodness he left. He was starting to get on my nervveesss! I wouldn't know what to do, if he stuck arou-!


A familiar dad like voice cuts through her annoyed thoughts. She turns towards Mr. Trump strolling up to her, excitement all over his face.

"What a sight!!! You look AMAZING!!!"

She can practically see the stars in his eyes, bringing an instinctive smile to her face.

"Um, thanks!?!"

He grabs her into an embrace and kisses her cheek strongly. She's soo beautiful, he just can't help it, not that she's complaining..

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