A Night Alone~ Part 2

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"This is so fun!" J giggles without a care in the world as another soft refreshing wave splashes on her face. It's like she's playing tag with the waves, floating on her belly in between pauses and crawling back towards shore right before another one splashes her. Her friends who rather sun tan instead of getting wet, watches on in amusement as she blends in with the kids also splashing around in the water.

After an hour she decides to join her friends to sun tan for a bit.

"Hey! We didn't want to bother you, but your phone has been ringing off the hook!"


She looks at her phone and sees three missed calls all from the same number - Pres. Donald Trump.


"Let me guess, it's from you know who?" One of her friends asks rather rhetorically with amusement in her voice.

"Yeah... Let me see how he's doing. Hopefully he's alright!" She calls back and he picks up after the first ring.

"Hi J!!"

"Hi, Mr. Trump!"

"Where were you I've been trying to call!" ><

"I was in the water. I'm at the beach, remember?"

"Oh yeah.. so anyway, how's my princess?"

"I'm good! How are you, love?"

"Good to hear.. Things could be better.."

J perks up in concern. "What's wrong? Is everything ok?" She braces herself, expecting another tirade of how the news and others treat him.

"Well~...I'm not feeling too good," he answers sheepishly, ashamed of showing some weakness.

"Why? What's wrong?!"

"I feel like I wanna puke, J!!"

He's actually been nauseous with a stomachache this afternoon, maybe as the result of the huge McDonald's meal last night and/or skipping breakfast as he likes to do when she's not around.

Sigh. She facepalms, pinching her nose, not really knowing what to do. Her carefree afternoon evaporated into one of worry and concern.

"It's probably the McDonalds. I told you that stuff wasn't good.."

"I DON'T need to hear that now, J!" He snaps angrily at her, now not in the mood to hear her patronizing over his food choices.

Taken aback, she feels chastised at his angry tone. She inhales deeply. Now is not the time to start an argument.

._. "....maybe drink some ginger tea with honey."

"You know I don't like that stuff..." he responds with a bit of a softer tone, rather sheepishly.

"It'll probably make you feel good..."


"Or you can have that natural ginger ale! That's an idea!"

"...I'll do the ginger ale, thanks," he responds in a flat tone. Her and her natural remedies!

With slight annoyance in her voice, she retorts, "Ok! You do that and let me know how it goes. Ok?"

"Ok," he responds flatly, then adds rather sheepishly as if he forgot the prior exchange, "come back soon, ok?!"

"Ok! See you tomorrow!"

"Bye, hun~."

She hangs up the phone and looks sadly at her friends with curious expression on their faces.

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