12: Snak Timeeee!

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As Percy stepped out of the elevator he breathed a sigh of relief. People always say that he's unobservant, but he could see things when he wanted to. And what he saw was Tony Stark acting very strange, obviously distracted by something. His unease was palpable, and though Percy couldn't tell why, he could tell that something was wrong. Possibly very wrong. 

He could tell he didn't recognize him from when they had met first, when the genius had nearly run him over. He hadn't seemed so... uneasy then, so what was going on with him now?

They stepped out of the elevator into a large open area, containing a tv and a couple couches. There were multiple beanbags scattered around, and blankets strewn across the floor.

"I apologize for the mess. The team never cleaned up the common area after movie night last Friday. Anyway, just follow me." explained the doctor. He heard Nico mutter something about 'apollogize' behind him, too quiet for Dr. Stark to hear. Percy snickered, knowing exactly what he meant, despite it sounding the exact same.

He led them into a large open concept kitchen filled with so much food it almost made Percy's stomach growl. He was always up for eating anytime. The counters had bowls of fruit and granola bars, a bag of marshmallows, a shelf of tea, and a cookie jar with the lid half on that contained something that looked suspiciously like cookies, to name just a few of the things there. 

"Have whatever you want," Stark said. "just don't mess it up more than it already is." He leaned back, standing against the countertop. Percy took that as his opportunity to dive in.

Pov Annabeth now ig

She watched as her boyfriend all but lunged for the food. Sighing, she grabbed an apple and sat on a clear spot on a counter. Will had been subtly holding Nico's had up until then, but he dropped it as he reached for a banana. Rather on brand for him. Nico sat on the opposite counter from Annabeth, not deigning to grab any food. Will noticed and Annabeth could tell he was about to start a hushed argument about it.

She had sat next to her new boss, and she could tell he was suspicious of her for some reason. She really couldn't tell why, just that he was wary of their group. Sure, they looked a bit strange to some, but why was he looking like that? 

Coming back to the subject at hand, she turned to Dr. Stark. "So, what all did you have planned for today?"

Standing up straighter, he replied, "Well, I wasn't sure of what you wanted to do, so whatever you'd like. What about introductions? I'd love to get to know your friends."

His fake smile looked a bit off, she noticed, but brushing that off for now, she replied, "Sure, of course. The tall one stuffing his face is, unfortunately, my boyfriend, Percy."  The genius laughed as Percy turned around with his mouth full and a pout of his face. The look of faux betrayal could break anyone but Annabeth. She sighed at his antics and continued. "Will is the blonde one. He's training to become a doctor and has made it quite far already. He's quite a promising student. Ant then there's Nico. He's... Nico." 

The boy glanced up at that, and raised his eyebrow, obviously asking, 'what's that supposed to mean?'. The demigoddess threw her head back and laughed. 

"Well how would you describe yourself?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a camp counselor, a self defense trainer, or fear itself? Just for a start?"

Will side-eyed him, smirking. "Fear itself, really? I'd call you an adorable, very angry deathboy."

Annabeth laughed at the poor demigod that was definitely soon to succumb to his boyfriend's argument. Nico was quite adamantly arguing as she tuned out of their conversation and turned to Tony. "So, uh..."

That was about as far as she got before a portal opened up and in stepped a man with odd clothes and a cloak that almost looked... alive. He was accompanied by a boy as tall as him, standing, almost hiding behind him. The man looked mildly surprised to see people, then a look of suspicion crossed the younger one's face. For a second, his eyes glowed, and Annabeth felt her soul being scorched with his gaze. 

Then, well...

She kinda passed out.

Just a bit.

No. 4 in willsolace tag pog???? Since when??? Also finally actually continuing the original plot for once.

Thank y'all so much for reading <3

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