6: Meeting Mr. Stark

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Ok, there's a liiiil skip here

Peter and Annabeth were escorted into the elevator and F.R.I.D.A.Y. brought them up many floors,(I don't hekkin know the numbers) and the doors opened into a large, spacious room.

On the pale cream walls were various modern paintings, tastefully designed. There was a large window, covering an entire wall. The floor was tiled, in a white herringbone pattern. There was a bookcase with various books and plants, as well as a few desks.

In one corner there were five black spinny chairs and a small desk. In one of the chairs sat the one and only Tony Stark, spinning rapidly in his chair. (He is a Child but we stan) In another chair sat a redhead, with a face that, on the surface appeared to be pleasant, but an observant person would be able to see the threat behind her eyes, the capability she held in her gaze. They were talking, but when the two came in they looked up.

Peter shivered when he met her gaze. Annabeth was almost taken aback. The power was veiled, but they both instantly knew they probably shouldn't cross her. The redhead lady seemed to notice their uneasiness and covered her surprise with a smirk. She mumbled "I knew they were smart, but not that good." to herself.

When Mr. Stark noticed them come in, he stopped spinning. He stood up, lightly holding onto the desk to keep from falling over and said, "Welcome, yada yada yada, I don't really want to do this-" which earned him a smack from the redhead.

"What Tony meant to say was welcome, we are very glad to have you, and he will enjoy having you as his interns."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Anyways, c'mon, let's go see what you can do."

He headed for the elevators. Annabeth wanted to roll her eyes. he acted like Mr. D and yet strangely reminded her of Leo and Percy put together. Scary girl simply rolled her eyes and beckoned them to follow. Once in the elevators Annabeth took a moment to introduce herself.

"Hello Dr. Stark, I am Annabeth Chase, as you may know. It's an honor to be able to work with you."

"Well, well, well, someone acknowledges my title. Hear that Romanoff?"

"Yeah, that's just because she's trying to butter you up. You don't deserve your fancy little title after that stunt you pulled with all the glitter."

"One time. One time. What's a guy gotta do to say sorry?"

"I assure you, I wasn't trying to butter anyone up, a brain like Dr. Stark's shouldn't go unacknowledged."

"Surrre." said a sarcastic Romanoff.

"A-and I'm Peter P-parker sir. I'm sure you already knew that. I- nevermind."

"Hey, no need to be so nervous, kid. I don't bite. At least not minors." he said with a smirk.

The elevator doors then opened to the fanciest and best equipped lab that Annabeth and Peter had ever seen.

Yeah, so.... It's kinda bad and I hate it but what are you gonna do, you know?

I feel like I under use adjectives-

If y'all got any advice I wouldn't mind hearing it.

Constructive criticism welcome! (Please note I said constructive)

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