4: One Hell of a Guy

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Meanwhile, Tony Stark was driving along, going on a joyride around New York, having been harassed into leaving the tower because he 'Needed to get out more than once a month' or some garbage like that.

He was casually driving along when a person in a- was that a gown? Stepped out in front of him.

He slammed on his brakes, nearly crashing into the kid.

When he parked and got out to see if the kid was okay, he realized-

'Wait, he's a guy?'

The kid was about 17ish, around 6 foot, wearing a gown with heels, somehow completely comfortable and slaying it.

"Oh Zeus, I'm sorry, did I damage your car? Gods dammit, I was trying to avoid getting into trouble today. I'm sorry!"

Tony took off his signature sunglasses and said, "No, no, kid, you're fine just... What are you wearing?"

"What, do you have a problem with it?" he asked immediately going on the defensive.

"No, that's fine, I was just wondering, what is the special occasion?"

"Oh, I was going to my little sister's friend's birthday party, and she wanted me to be a pretty princess, but then the party got canceled and Leo made me keep it on... But gods, you should see Leo's dress!"

"Well you would have been the prettiest princess at the party. Are you okay though?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, you barely touched me. You're sure your car is ok? I don't want to break this streak. It's been the longest stretch of time I haven't gotten in trouble and I really want to keep it that way."

"Yeah, kid, I already told you, it's fine. How long have you been going for?"

"26 hours so far! I've broken my record for the year!"

"Wow, kid, how'd you manage that kinda record?"

"You... don't wanna know."

"Y'know... I'm hungry, are you hungry?"


"Yeah, I'm sure your hungry. Oh, look, there's a coffee shop right here! Why don't we pop in for a quick snack."

"No, no really, I'm fine! I was just going to the gym because Leo dared me to go in this..."

"Nope, you don't get a say in this. You owe me for making me crash into you.(Yes, he knew that was a weak excuse, but this kid was interesting!) Also, don't you know who I am?"

"Umm... No? Should I?"

"Have you been living under a rock for the past couple years? I thought everyone had heard of me!"

"Uhhh... sorry, I was... Out of the country for a while, and I wasn't really paying attention to the news."

"No, that's... That's fine. Anyways, c'mon, let's go get something to eat."

As they were walking by an alley, a guy reached out and pulled them in, holding a gun to Percy's head.

"Gimme your money or the 'pretty little lady's'  head gets a bullet."

Tony reached his hand down, trying to make his watch turn into a gauntlet, but before he could, the guy said, "HEY! Watch it or the f***** gets it!"

Tony put his hands up, hoping that would appease the mugger, burning inside with the desire to cave his face in, but before anyone could think, the 'pretty little lady' elbowed the mugger in the ribs, hard, knocking the wind out of him.  He turned around, his dress swirling behind him daintily, as he twisted the gun out of the guy's hand just as he pulled the trigger, managing to get the bullet to land in the ground next to them. Tossing the gun to Stark, he quickly reduced their would-be attacker to tears by snapping his wrist, kicking out the back of his knees and holding his stilettos to the guy's neck.

The kid suddenly froze and seemed to realize what he had done.


Stark was gaping at him in shock, but when he spoke again he just said, "You're one hell of a guy."

Leo's dress:

Leo's dress:

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I had to. I h a d to put Percy in a dress. I'm sorry, but I have no regrets.

One Hell of a PersonWhere stories live. Discover now