5: Results

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Back at the tower

After a while, and after a bunch more nervous kids had come in, they decided to close the interviewing rooms so they could review all the kids that were already interviewed. 

Pepper Potts walked in, as well as the guy that interviewed her, the supervisor, and two other people, who Annabeth assumed to be the other interviewers. 

The interviewers (I now hate the word bc I've typed it s o m a n y t i m e s) started calling names and passing out papers, and some of the people that got their results read them, groaned and got up, obviously upset, and left. Miss. Potts met Annabeth's eyes and smiled, like she knew she was going to get in which, considering, she probably did.

"Hey, loser, calm down." said an annoyed MJ to a jittery Peter. Annabeth had discovered his name because apparently he got really talkative when he was nervous. The guy had ADHD, and you could tell he was trying so hard to keep it hidden, but Annabeth could recognize the signs.

"Michelle Jones?"

MJ raised a hand, barely glancing up from her book, and took her results when they were handed to her.

"Peter Parker?"

Peter nervously stood up to grab his paper, awkwardly sitting back down again.

He nervously looked at his paper while MJ- or 'Michelle' read over his shoulder.

"I told ya, loser." was the only thing she said.

When Peter's eyes caught on a word he v i b r a t e d. There was no other word for it. He simply v i b r a t e d with excitement. MJ saw him out of the corner of her eye and smirked.

"-nabeth Chase? Annabeth Chase?"

"Oh, sorry, that's me." She winced at her awkwardness.

She read her paper as the others' results were being passed out and (Surprise, surprise,) she got in. What seemed kind of strange was under the department she would be working in, it simply said, 'Please wait for the supervisor.'

After all the papers had been passed out, the supervisor clapped their hands and said, "Alright, guys, everyone who got their department on their papers, please follow my associate into the next room so you can get sorted out.

As the other kids filed out, it became apparent that only Peter, MJ, and Annabeth were left.

The interviewers left, leaving the supervisor and Miss. Potts.

"You may be wondering what's going on. Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong." assured Miss. Potts.

Next to Annabeth, Peter let out a sigh of relief.

"You three had outstanding resumes. You're here because you have very special positions at Stark Industries. Michelle Jones, you will be working for me, and Annabeth Chase and Peter Parker will be working for the one and only, Tony Stark."

By the way, no, I did not forget about Flash. He just never made it past the interviewer lol-

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