2: A Chapter Name

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Anthony Edward Stark sat behind his very professional desk, posture perfect, suit impeccable, a serious expression on his face.

Nah I'm kidding.

So far Tony was breaking his record of how long nobody would notice he hadn't slept. He was coming on to 58 hours when James Rhodes burst into the lab.

"Tones... Come on. Not again." He said, with a disappointed yet resigned look on his face. This was the fourteenth time, after all.(That Rhodey knew of)

"Rhodey! Good to see ya. I was just about to upgrade my na-"

He was interrupted by Rhodey saying, "Friday, can you get Steve in here? We have another case  of S.S.N. here that needs to be rectified."

"Come on, Rhodey! Let a guy live a little! This is important work that I need to finish sometime this millenia."

"Mhmmm but what I see right now is a sleep deprived genius that doesn't know how to take care of himself."

Steve had walked in and was now standing next to the aforementioned sleep deprived idiot. Tony swiveled towards him.

"No. Don't you dare. I need to finish this n-aughhh!"

He was interrupted by a smirking Steve picking him up and carrying him to his room, while angrily protesting and trying to escape, even though he knew it was in vain.


Tony woke up, feeling groggy and like he hated life.

(Same tho)

He dragged himself into the kitchen and went straight to the coffeemaker. Grabbing the pot, he downed it. Luckily it had been made a bit ago, otherwise his mouth would have been scalded, but the rest of the avengers, who were sitting there watching him, all knew that that would not have deterred him in the slightest.

They didn't make an effort to speak until he had finished because they all knew the statement 'Don't speak to me until I've had my coffee' was made purely for him.

A pot of coffee and a doughnut later Bruce decided to break the silence.

"Tony, we really need to talk about you a c t u a l l y  s l e e p i n g. Come on, you keep doing this. It's not healt-"

"Really, Brucey, you too? Come on, a guy can't get any work done around here without getting yelled at. I was being productive!"

"Three days, Tony. Three! That isn't a good thing! What is it gonna take for you to learn that that is a bad thing?"

"I mean it was only 2 and 1/2 days, but who listens to the billionaire anyways."

"Tony, come on. You can't keep doing this!"

"I second that" chimed in a new voice. "Come on, Doll, you can't keep this up. I've been missing you lately." he said with a wink.

"Oh, Jesus, stop it you two!" grumbled Clint.

(In this story Clint is 19 b e c a u s e i c a n)

"Yes?" asked Bucky.

"What do you mean?"

"My name. You said it."

"Wha- oh. Dude, lame."

Tony was chuckling while quietly trying to slip away to his lab to hopefully avoid further lectures. He actually got pretty far, but his efforts were soon proved to be fruitless.

"Tony's escaping." calmly stated Miss. Romanoff, not even glancing at him.


Hi there! I'm Deadpool, here to tell ya that there'll be an teeeeeeny little timeskip because the author is a lazy piece of s**- Ow! Ok, ok lazy piece of garbage. Happy?


Tony had a hologram of an arm of the Iron Man suit up, and he was toying with it when Pepper Potts walked in. She immediately got to business.

"Tony, since you seem to be incapable of going to bed at normal hours, and eating meals at normal times, I have decided to apply for two interns to keep you company in your lab."

"Pep, come on, you can-"

"Don't interrupt me. As I was saying, I am going to get you two interns. We have another batch of applications coming in, and I will choose two that I feel will help you. You dug your own grave. I'm just here to fill it in." she said, walking away.

I'm going to be updating this randomly so sorry- Also yes, this is Buckony, Peter will be coming in later chapters, and imreallysorrythisissobadokbye!

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