3: Intern Interviews

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Pepper was on a previously empty floor of the Avenger's Tower, temporarily being used as a intern application area. She was standing off to the side, supervising, and keeping an eye out for any potential interns for Tony.

"Hunter Harrison?" asked the supervisor.

"Here sir."

"Come with me." they said, taking him into the next room so their colleague could conduct the interview.

Up next were Eloise Gabriel, Annabeth Chase, Michelle Jones, Perry Johanssen, Flash Thompson, and Peter Parker. There were perhaps 30 other kids waiting their turn, and filling in the proper paperwork that should have been finished already. Stark Industries had just opened up a few possible positions for high schoolers, so kids were flocking in.

"Eloise Gabriel?"

"Here, Mistrum." earning a grin from the supervisor.

"Follow me." was said with a lilt in their voice.

There were three separate interviewer's rooms so the process would hopefully finish by nightfall.

"Annabeth Chase?"

"Here, Mx."

Smiling, the person led her into an interview room. For some reason, the glint in the girl's eye caught Pepper's eye. It was as if she knew more than every person in the room combined. Pepper couldn't shake the feeling that this 'Annabeth' would be quite the genius some day.

But little did she know...

Skippy skippy skippity skip~

Annabeth was brought into a decent size room. There was a desk and two chairs, as well as a large stack of papers next to the desk. There was a young man behind the desk, dressed in a suit, who she assumed was the interviewer.

"Good day. Miss Chase was it? I hope you've come prepared."

The interview quickly passed, with questions for the interviewee, such as, 'What do you hope to become?' and 'What fields would you consider working in?'

When the interview was over, Annabeth was escorted out, and told to wait in another waiting room until the rest of the round of interviews was over. There were a few people there before her who appeared very bored. Three people in a corner were playing Uno.

Annabeth grabbed one of her books out of her bag(Think Hermione's bag- an entire library) and began to read.

A few minutes later, a girl came in. She was really pretty, and if Annabeth had to guess she enjoyed watching the suffering of others. She would do well in the PR department. She was soon followed by a boy that strangely reminded her of Percy, yet looked nothing like him. No, his hair was too short, and  he was too old to be Percy. Why would she think that?(Logan Lerman, lol)

After a bit, another guy came in, looking like the stereotypical cinnamon roll nerd. He was fidgeting like crazy, and pulling at the sleeves of his oversized hoodie, looking like someone was going to kill him or something.

He sat down next to the pretty girl from before, saying, "Hey MJ. How did you do?"

"They don't tell you the results 'till later, loser." she deadpanned. "But if I didn't make it they're stupid. Almost everyone else here looks like they barely made it out of kindergarten."

"Do you think-"

"Before you start doubting yourself, Parker, you're one of the smartest people I know, so stop worrying and shut up so I can read my book." she said, raising a book over her face that Annabeth hadn't previously mentioned.

'Parker' smiled at that, and pulled out a pair of headphones and sat back.

I feel like I did a good job on a chapter until I re-read it and then I hate it-


Sorryyyy it's bad but I'm trying

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