8: The Chaos is Strong in This One

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Gosh I kinda hate this chapter. I'm just too lazy to rewrite it- yk, imma just fix a bit.

After that whole fiasco was over, and Tony regained consciousness, hopefully for good, and Natasha and Bruce had left, Bruce to do some sciency thing in his lab, and Natasha probably to terrorize some poor interns. Clint and Bucky decided to sit back and watch as the kids were being tested.

Tony liked their work so much that he kept giving them more work, testing them more and more. He had stumped Peter two times, but to be fair, the questions were above college level and he had been asking so many. He still had yet to stump Annabeth, but he felt he was getting close.

(No you're not.) 

lil' skip

They had been at it for three hours and Bucky and Clint had long since given up watching. They were now playing Uno, which quickly deteriorated into a bitter rivalry. They had just decided to move onto Monopoly when Pepper Potts walked in.

She looked at the scene, in one corner a brutal game of Monopoly, and on the other side of the lab two giggling teens answering various complicated questions and a frustrated Tony Stark, and sighed. "Tony, it's past lunch time and you haven't even taken a break. These kids need to eat! This was supposed to help solve your problem, not make it worse. Come."

She walked out of the room sighing.


While they had their lunch, Bucky, Rhodey, Sam, and Loki walked in. (Loki's a good person and like 17 fite me) They decided to play Mario Kart, minus Rhodey who settled for just watching.

After Peter and Annabeth finished eating, they walked over to the now furious racing. They sat off to the side to watch, and when the game ended, Bucky was in second, Loki in first, and Sam in last place. Sam bowed out of another game, and they wanted another player so Bucky said, "Hey, Tony, wanna lend us the little geniuses? I wanna see how well they do."

"Barnes, you're gonna corrupt them. But fine, whatever they want to do. I don't control them. But are you sure they wouldn't want to come back to the labs?"

"No, I think I'm just fine playing." stated Annabeth with a smirk. "Right Peter?"

Annabeth glanced at Peter and he looked like the invitation to the labs was quite tempting, but he saw Annabeths smirk and just couldn't ruin the fun, so he said, "Yeah, Mario Kart sounds fun."

They ended up playing for 1 1/2 hours, and when their last game came to an end, Tony clapped his hands as Bucky threw his controller in frustration. (The interns had won twice as much as the boomers due to superior skills that are nearly impossible for a boomer to acquire)

"Well," said Tony. "Looks like it's time for me to go to the lab. If anyone would like to join me, feel free to."

"Sure!" said Loki.

"I didn't mean you! Anyone else?"

"I would love to, thanks for asking!" said Clint, peeking the top of his head out from the vent. His hair hung out of his face as he gave his biggest puppy eyes to Tony.

"I- oh stop it with the eyes, no! Stop! You can't come, you're gonna break something."

"Buckyyyyyy, heeeeeelp meeeee." Clint whined, pouting.

Bucky leaned back on the couch he was sitting on, looking Tony dead in the eyes. "C'mon, Doll, it's just a little fun."

"I- I... Buck, come on, stop. They're gonna ruin the lab!" Tony stuttered, blushing at the look.

"But Doll, it's not gonna hurt much. You can afford to replace anything that breaks. Just let them have a little fun." said the assassin as he stood and walked towards the genius. Clint looked like he wanted to barf, but he didn't want to interrupt lest he lose the chance to be in the labs with the new interns again.

"Bucky, come on, you can't just d-"

Bucky never broke eye contact as he hooked his finger under the billionaire's chin. "C'mon, my angel. It's not so bad." he said. "You'll enjoy it."

Tony mumbled something that not even , and by this time he couldn't possibly get any redder, but he sure did try.

"Ahem." Annabeth cleared her throat. "The final verdict?"

Clint breathed an audible sigh of relief when Annabeth spoke. Her words had jolted both of the men out of their... whatever that just was. Bucky looked to Tony, an eyebrow raised. "Whadda ya say?" He leaned in and whispered, "Please~"

"Okay!" squeaked Mr. Stank. "Yeah, sure! Mhm!"

Bucky chuckled, and backed up. Tony leaned against the wall next to him, his face slowly regaining it's usual color. He slowly backed up, then turned around and ran for the bathroom.

"He'll probably be in there a while. Do you want to wait here or go now?" asked Bucky.

Ok, it's over now...

Or is it?

Yes, yes it is.

Peter was still frozen in utter shock, so Annabeth decided to decide for him. "We can go now, if that wouldn't be too much of a problem."

"Yeah, sure, let's go. I'll 'supervise' so the smol bean doesn't have a heart attack."

Annabeth ignored how strange that was coming from the mouth of someone of his age, and followed him as he led the way.

When they got there Clint had already arrived via the vents and had a nearly imperceptible smirk on his face. When Peter passed him, he handed him something... round... with ridges... and a metal pin... wAIT IT'S A GRENADE! Peter subtly inspected it, and discovered it was a glitter bomb. Clint met his eye, and he had quite the glint in his.

Peter tried to shake his head, but Hawkeye just glared.

Six minutes later, Tony walked in on a room covered in glitter, a laughing Loki without even a speck on him, (Except for of course in his hair, but that wasn't even real, just magic. Also really pretty. Loki's pretty, ok.) a slightly terrified Peter, an exasperated Annabeth, a hilariously laughing Clint, and one Bucky with an I-give-up-on-life attitude.

He turned around,

and walked out.

Ok so I fixed it

Bad Ren.


If my grammar or anything is incorrect feel free to correct me- I'm always willing to accept constructive criticism, too, but please be nice about it.

Sorry for taking so long to get this out but I got Covid for a bit there and was partially delirious for a while. Also this story dOES have a plot, and any scene suggestions would be appreciated. I might not use your suggestion, but it'll probably go into the notes.


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