Chapter 10: Drawn to You

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I take my time descending the stairs, admiring the gorgeous ballroom. Grand chandeliers hang from the ceiling decked in intricate crown molding, framing a mural depicting the heavens in soft pink hues. Tall windows on the opposite wall are adorned with luxurious drapes. Various small round tables displaying extravagant flower and candle centerpieces dot the tiled floor, with a large space cleared out in the middle for dancing. Two massive fireplaces give the place a warm, soothing glow.

I reach the foot of the stairs and the crowd silently parts to let me through. Their murmurs and whispers trail behind me as I reach the dance floor—and the boy waiting for me.

As much as I hate to admit it, Leander looks stunning. Dressed in traditional Forsythian colors, light blue suit with gold accents, and his white blond hair combed back to perfection, he looks straight out of a portrait. Only his cruel hazel eyes ruin the image as they rake me up and down, taking in every inch of me. What is he trying to find?

He takes my hand and presses a kiss to my knuckles, his lips surprisingly warm. I honestly thought they'd be cold like a corpse. He certainly acts heartless. He peers up at me for a second too long before finally stepping back and offering me his arm.

"You look lovely," Leander says loudly as he escorts me to the middle of the dance floor. Then he leans in and murmurs, "I didn't think that was possible." My eye twitches.

I place one hand on his shoulder and take his hand, my nails digging into his skin.

"Yet despite your best efforts you still look like a douche," I smile. His eyes flash and he grips my waist, pulling me roughly towards him as the orchestra begins to play a slow waltz.

"Were you trying to embarrass me by coming late?"," he hisses through his teeth as the others begin to partner up and join us on the floor.

"Of course not, you're capable of doing that on your own," I respond as he twirls me, and swiftly dips me back.

"Careful," he whispers as he leans in, "or I'll drop you."

I lean in closer. His ears are pierced, adorned with gold studs. Somehow he manages to pull it off.

"Careful", I echo. "Or I'll kiss you. Me. Your stepsister. One little misstep and we lock lips in front of everyone. And then you'll have to pretend that you didn't enjoy it."

His eyes linger on my lips and swallows as he pulls me back up.

"Shut up," Leander mutters, no longer making eye contact.

"Make me."

"Tempting," he smirks as we press our hands together and circle each other, "but you'd just end up begging me to stop."

"I'm begging you to stop saying such embarrassing things," I laugh, watching his eyes twinkle. I've never smiled genuinely in front of him before.

"You'd be on your knees if we were lovers," he teases. I scowl.

"I beg for no man."

"But your lover is no man," Leander replies, twirling me again. "I don't understand how you could love such a disgraceful creature."

I pull away from him, the words stinging more than I'd like them to. "You don't know me, Vincenzio. Ambrose and I are—were more alike than you think."

Leander stares me down, his gaze stormy.

"I know you put a gun to my head the first time we met so you could rescue him, so you're probably crazy and a little reckless. I know you have poor taste in men because your shitty boyfriend abandoned you the moment things got rough. And I know you have a big heart because you're still defending him to me," he replies coldly, the ballroom dancers swishing around us as we stand frozen in the middle of the reverie.

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