Ch. 37: In the Stars 🥀🥀🥀

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Author's Note: this chapter is MATURE but it's a fun time so read at your own discretion and most importantly enjoy 🤭 you can also skip this chapter without missing any of the plot

For hours, Ambrose claims me as his, erasing Malcolm's touch and undoing me with every press of his lips to my skin.

"Here?," he asks, mouth hovering over my collarbone. The question sets my skin on fire.


He bites, not hard enough to draw blood but enough for a soft moan to escape from me. As he traces a path down my sternum, I let my gown fall to my waist, leaving me bare against him. Ambrose suddenly exhales sharply. Now it's just my skin against his bandaged torso, his calloused hands gripping my thighs tighter as he holds me steady.

When his lips brush against my breast, I shudder against him and bring him closer.

"Here?," he whispers, sending shivers across my body. I am turning to fresh clay in his arms, his to mold and bend at his will.

"Yes," I breathe.

Lips and teeth tease the sensitive skin as hands travel up my torso, pinning me harder against him as he bites down just to ease the sting with his tongue. Rolling my hips harder against him, our bodies collide as we ride on rising waves of pleasure. In the frigid tent, my erratic panting begins to fog the air around us. The sliding of skin against skin and Ambrose's muffled groans fill the room with a sensual symphony. I close my eyes and lean my head back as our movements grow more desperate until Ambrose suddenly hisses and pulls away.

"I'm not done," he says, voice hoarse. Then, without warning, he grabs fistfuls of my gown and pushes it up as he kneels and begins pressing slow kisses up my inner thigh.

His thumb strokes the apex between my thighs, just once, and looks up.

"What about here? Did he touch you here?".

I swallow as the throbbing heat between my legs grows beneath his touch. "Yes, I mean not exactly how you are, but you don't need to—."

Suddenly, Ambrose stands and brings the hem of my gown to my mouth, pushing it between my teeth and muffling my words.

"If you need me to stop, pull on my ear or something," he says, kneeling back down. He slowly runs his hands up my calves, tracing silly patterns into my skin.


A moan cuts me off as Ambrose grabs my hips and presses his face into the apex of my thighs. My knees buckle at the pleasure as his tongue presses roughly against the sensitive, aching spot, but he grabs my hips tighter, holding me steady. I close my eyes as the pulsing sensation becomes unbearable with each stroke of his tongue. He's going to leave bruises of his thumbprints on my hips. When I begin to gasp, breathless, Ambrose moves more aggressively, using his teeth to tease and overwhelm me with  new, frightening pleasure.

"Ambrose—," I pant, cut off by a moan that escapes my lips. The skirt slips out from my teeth, but he doesn't stop his rhythm. He just tears the gown down completely.

"Please, I'm going to—," I whimper. He groans into me and the vibrations nearly send me over the edge. I grab the post behind me for support as my legs begin to shake uncontrollably, and Ambrose hooks one of my knees over his shoulder.

"Wait, Ambrose, your back," I gasp. In response, Ambrose's fingers join his tongue and I throw my head back in surprise. A warm sensation begins to pool deep in my belly, sending shivers down my spine and into my fingertips. With my free hand, I thread my tingling hands through his hair. My vision begins to blur and the air above fogs from the heat of my shallow breaths. Ambrose's thumb presses down as his tongue presses against me once more and I come undone.

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