Chapter 13: Lovers 🥀

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In a heartbeat, Ambrose crushes his mouth back to mine, sliding his hands up my thighs. I curl my hands in his hair and pull him closer. My hands travel under his shirt and down his back. As they brush the base of his wings, he lets out a strained gasp.

"Can I?", I whisper.

He pulls me closer so I can wrap my legs around his waist, and he leans in to press soft, slow kisses along my jaw. Each one sears into my skin like a brand whispering, "Yes, yes, yes."

At the first stroke of his wings, Ambrose bites down, his teeth nearly piercing my skin at the curve of my neck. I gasp in pain and he whispers an apology before lowering his lips to gently suck the wound. His tongue brushes against my neck, warm and rough. As I continue to caress his wings, he bites me again, more gently this time. His hands bunch up the skirts of my gown to settle on my hips.

He tugs me closer and closer until his fingers begin to tear into the fabric of my dress.

"I want it off," I say breathlessly, tracing the buttons on his shirt. He nods. I'm only halfway through unfastening them before Ambrose just rips his shirt off, buttons popping onto the floor.

His deft fingers quickly undo the laces of my corset and he tears it away in mere seconds as I slip out of my gown. Instantly, his hands are on my waist and I'm being lowered onto the bed, rumpling the satin sheets. Ambrose kneels above me, staring me down. His gaze is dark as he slowly lowers himself to place his palms on either side of me.

"Tell me what you want," he says.

I bite his lip.


Ambrose brushes his knuckles against my cheek, then drags his finger down my jaw, my throat, my chest. He traces a line down my belly but pauses short of going much further. He swallows as he gazes upon my form, gritting his jaw.

It's alright, I want to tell him. I'm nervous too. Instead, I pull his mouth to mine and kiss him hard enough to make him understand.

His every move is hungry, desperate. He seems lost with his hands, softly caressing me as they wander across my body. I reach up to trace the hard lines of his chest, his abdomen, and he leans into my touch, lowering himself on top of me.

As I kiss him back, he presses me closer until I can't tell where my skin ends and his begins. The world slows between our lips, tilts, and spins out of control as my heart threatens to hammer through my chest. I can taste his whirlwind of emotions on his tongue, the bitter lust, and sweet desire.

My hands settle on his belt buckle and he helps me remove it before shucking his pants off entirely. I trace the seams of his underwear and shiver as he gasps softly into my ear. Suddenly, he grabs my wrist, and I pause.

I peer into his eyes, which are somehow even darker with longing. Ambrose sighs and closes his eyes, pressing his forehead to mine.

"We can't," he says, his voice hoarse. I trace his lips with my fingertip.

"Alright," I whisper, a part of me relieved. My nerves begin to settle. His eyes snap open and he pulls away slightly.

"It's not that I don't want to. I do. I really, really do," he murmurs. He plants another kiss on my jaw. "But we'd end up waking the whole manor and I plan to have you for myself the entire night".

My stomach drops, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"Oh please," I snicker in a feeble attempt to recover from the embarrassment.

"You don't believe me? Do you see yourself right now? How irresistible you are?", he asks. I chuckle, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him close so I don't have to look him in the eyes.

"You're pretty horny for a heavenly being, Angel Face," I whisper into his ear.

"Says the girl who's smushing my face into her breasts." I choke and immediately release him.

"I'm sorry, I—," I start but pause when I see his face.

"Never apologize for doing that, Stabby," Ambrose grins.

I kiss his bottom lip and he slides his hand behind my neck. He kisses me softly, gentle and yearning. Ambrose pulls me down with him as he leans back onto the bed, cocooning us in his wings. We exchange soft kisses in the dark, his hand never leaving my jaw. In the warmth of his embrace, I kiss him until his lips blur into mine and exhaustion whisks me away into a dreamless sleep.

"Hey, Lovely," Ambrose whispers. I curl into his side, nestling my head in his shoulder. I sigh happily as he combs his fingers through my hair. His legs are tangled in the sheets with mine.

"Hey, Lover," I smile.

A knock on the door makes us both freeze. I finally open my eyes and find it's still dark. We wait in silence.

They knock again, harder this time.

Gritting my teeth, I sit up. I'm about to slide out of bed when Ambrose's hands wrap around my waist and pull me into his lap. He presses a kiss to my shoulder.

"Don't go," he whispers sleepily, leaning into me.

"Do you have to leave?", I ask. He nods, his feather-soft hair tickling my neck.

"Please wait for me," I murmur. He doesn't budge, but after a few seconds, he reluctantly lets me go. Ruffling his hair, I slip on a bathrobe and answer the door.

I barely hear him when he leaves, but the room suddenly feels colder when I open the door to face an annoyed young prince.

And next to him, piss-drunk and angrier than ever is Leander.

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