Ch. 29: Till Death Do Us Part

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The gown is tailored perfectly. The white lace bodice hugs my curves before sweeping to the ground to an elegant train. The sleeves fall off the shoulder and sweep to the floor as well. My hair and neck are adorned with diamonds, formed from the bluest fires of the infernal land.

The ring is back on my finger.

I hardly recognize the woman in the mirror. When I escaped Gardenia with Ambrose, I never planned to get married. I only had 3 years before my curse would end things. But in another life, if we had choices and freedom to make them...

The man at the end of the aisle would be Ambrose.

There's no use thinking about that as I'm led to the door of the ceremonial chamber. I'm handed my bouquet of lavender, their petals matching my eyes. The veil is unfolded, the music crescendos, and the door slowly swings open. But the sight before me freezes me in place.

The black marble chamber is filled with carved stone pews. And the entire place is adorned with lavender and hanging vines and candles. It's like nothing I've ever seen in the Courts. It reminds me of Gardenia. The purple petals drift down to the aisle and I look up to see Malcolm waiting at the altar.

Dressed in an elegant military garment with black velvet details and metal chain accents, Malcolm stands with his hands clasped behind his back. His dark hair is combed back, allowing his amber eyes to shine like molten honey. A ceremonial sword is sheathed at his side.

I step forward and the orchestra begins to play. Other than the musicians, it's just him and I. The pews are empty, filled with massive candles dripping wax.

When I reach Malcolm, he offers me his hand and I take it. As we turn toward the altar, the flames suddenly burn brighter and higher into a towering silhouette.

"Today we honor this Union between Infernal Lord Malcolm Keres and Her Highness Evangeline Vlahos," a mythical voice booms from the fire. "Begin the ceremonial forging of the Union."

There are no vows to pledge, no fake promises. Malcolm unsheathes his sword and places it in the fire. I remove my ring and watch it get swallowed by the flames as they burn blue. I try to ignore the tear tricking down my cheek, unable to unsee Ambrose burning in my dream.

The metals melt into one another. "Place your hands into the fire."

I swallow hard and do as I'm told, placing my hand in the molten metal. Malcolm's finger brushes my thumb for a brief, comforting moment.

"The matrimony has been forged in flame, metal, and ash. And so it is done."

The flames suddenly extinguish and on my hand is a new ring, made of a polished silver metal. It is engraved with a word from an ancient language. Malcolm bears an identical one.

"You may now kiss. Blessed be your Union."

As lavender-scented smoke fills the chamber, Malcolm turns to me and gingerly lifts my veil from my face. When he tilts my chin up toward him, he falters. In the candlelight, I think I see his cheeks flush slightly.

I lean in and place a soft, lingering kiss on his lips. His shoulders relax beneath my hands as he brushes his thumb against my jaw and responds with a kiss of his own.

He tastes like woodsmoke and bourbon.

As we break away, court members enter and congratulate us as palace staff lead us away. I'm so disoriented that I don't realize they've led us back to our rooms. That's it? Not even cake?

"I'm not really tired, so I think I'll grab some cake from the kitchen—."

"There's no time, Your Majesty," the servant interrupts. "This is the final part of the ceremony."

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