Ch. 20: Want 🥀

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*TW: non-consensual behavior

The funeral is held in the imperial temple, a coliseum carved entirely from white marble.

The towering stone arches give the effect of standing in a giant, gilded rib cage. Hundreds of candles line the walls, casting an eerie golden glow. In the center, directly beneath a massive stained glass skylight, lies the casket.

The clergy begin their speeches, but all I can think about is the missing ring. I bite my lip. It's probably lying at the bottom of the channel right now. How will I contact Ambrose? The sudden taste of blood pulls me from my trance. I have to focus. Someone in this room could be my husband soon. After the ceremony, the royal family descends to pay their respects. Leander pulls me to my feet. I startle for a moment, realizing that means me too. I can feel the eyes of hundreds scrutinizing my unwelcome presence.

One by one, we light some special candles that hold a sacred meaning, I guess. I wasn't paying attention during the speech. Leander hands me my candle. It's my turn to say something.

I approach Laurent's body. I light the candle. Then I lean in and smile.

"Rot in Hell, you sadistic little fuck," I whisper sweetly. The royal family nods solemnly, none the wiser, and I hold back a laugh.

As I step back, the ground beneath us suddenly shudders. Like cogs in a clock, the floor tiles turn and the casket descends into a chamber deep underground.

The royal mausoleum. I shudder at the death-like draft that sweeps through the temple as the tiles shift back into place. The guests start exiting. I take a deep breath to settle my nerves.

Time for the post-ceremony.


Leander finds me in the crowd, gripping my elbow.

"Stay close," he murmurs. Once again, his blond hair is slicked back to show off his regal cheekbones. His black velvet suit fits him too well; I could trace his back muscles through his waistcoat as he leads me to the ballroom.

The low chatter of lords and ladies, dukes and duchesses, military leaders and political machines fills the room. I expect Leander to push me into one of the circles and find me when I'm engaged, but instead he pulls me into the shadow of a pillar.

That's when I notice how disturbed he is. I watch patiently as he scopes the room.

"Which one's my fiancée?", I whisper in his ear. He flinches, remembering I'm there. When he turns to me, his pupils dilate.

His gaze rakes me up and down, taking in the way the dress hugs my curves. Slowly, he tears his gaze away, clenching his jaw.

"I'm just trying to calculate which one is less likely to divorce you before you kick it," he finally meets my eyes with a bitter smile.

"Liar," I whisper tauntingly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "You just can't bear to let me go." He tenses under my touch, inhaling sharply. I smile, pleased with his reaction.

Suddenly, Leander grips my waist and pins me against the pillar. Pressing the hard lines of his body against mine, he brings his lips to my ear.

"Don't make me do this, Evangeline." The tortured whisper sends goosebumps racing across my skin. I hate the way I love the sound of my name on his lips.

"If you care for me...let me go," I breathe. He looks up at me through his lashes, eyes stormy with barely-suppressed desire.

"I'm a selfish man."

"Be kind for me," I plead.

"I can't," he hisses.

"Then what am I supposed to do!", I begin to push him away. He doesn't hesitate before he grips my hair and presses his mouth to my neck.

I flinch when he takes my skin in his teeth, biting me with a starved desperation. Heat courses through my veins, anger and pain and desire paralyzing me. His bite becomes more tender as he presses soft, slow, deliberate kisses where his teeth once marked me.

He crushes his body against mine until I can feel his pounding heartbeat, until the pillar digs into my spine—until it's hard to breathe. And all the while he kisses and kisses and kisses my neck, brow furrowed as if his want causes him pain.

I'll show him pain.

He removes my choker and trails heated kisses up my neck to my jaw. I thrust my hips forward, grinding them against his, and he groans into my shoulder. And then, just for good measure, I do it again.

And again.

"Stop," he groans.


"Please, Evangeline—," he pants, before I roll my hips one last time.

He curses through his teeth and jerks away.

"What are you doing?", he hisses, cheeks flushed. Then his gaze flickers.

"If you were scared of publicly humiliating yourself, you shouldn't have bitten me like some beast in heat," I snarl, my voice suddenly breaking. He freezes, gaze softening. I must have started crying because he wipes a tear from my cheek.

I slap his hand away and shove past him, and he doesn't protest. I'm trying to compose myself when the king intrudes.

"Quit clinging to the girl as if she's some life raft and keep your fiancée company, you fool. You are embarrassing us," he hisses at Leander. For a moment, he hesitates. But his father's tone hints at violence. As Leander begins to leave, he pauses just long enough to brush his thumb against my neck.

"Don't forget who you belong to," he whispers threateningly.

"You sound just like your father," I snap. He storms off.

I don't wait to hear what the king has to say to me. I lock myself in the bathroom and turn my neck towards the light.

He left a goddam hickey.

Remember kids: consent is sexy
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