Ch. 23: Together At Last

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I can't help but smile at my reflection.


The silk red pantsuit and matching red corset top are both adorned with blood rubies. A new ornate choker covers my neck and most of my chest, glittering like fresh blood. Rings stud both my hands and my hair is swept up and out of my face. It settles my nerves a bit, knowing I look good.

Even if it feels like I'm getting dressed for my execution. On my way to the ceremony, the palace fills with more armored guards carrying high-profile weaponry. Logically, I know the last thing any of them would do is harm me. My curse can be convenient. But with so many identical people, it would be easy for someone to infiltrate.

Then again, it is the Supreme Commander's wedding.

Ironically, I think all this as I slip into Leander's room unnoticed and leave a roll of bandages on his bed.

Settle down, Evangeline. It's not even your own wedding and you're already nervous. Just focus on the suitors. The plan will continue, with or without Ambrose. Somehow.

I will be engaged by the end of the night.

My nerves begin to settle as I enter the imperial temple for the ceremony, finding my reserved seat on the floor of the coliseum. The stark difference from the funeral is disorienting. The chandeliers are adorned with dozens of flowers as ethereal vines spill down toward the mosaic floors. The foliage is foreign to both Gardenia and Forsythia, so I think it might be from Ione, Natalia's homeland. Penthia's doing, no doubt.

I scan the coliseum, but she is nowhere in sight. Neither is Leander or any of the royal family.

I begin to panic and scan the room for security, realizing they are either disguised or missing entirely. Is this an ambush? Am I going to get kidnapped? Sacrificed?

Then another thought causes my heart to stutter.

Is it Ambrose?

The audience suddenly falls deathly silent. My heart thunders, and I worry it'll echo in the vastly quiet space.

They stand one by one, place a hand over their heart, and begin to sing the Forsythian national anthem. I stay seated until it falls silent again.

And then a lone note rings through the temple. And one by one, the orchestra fills the room with a slow, dreamy melody. I stand as the doors on the right side of the temple open.

Slowly, the silhouettes emerge from the blinding light and walk toward each other.

From the right, the king and queen step onto the altar to officiate.

Then Leander appears looking every bit a king.

Dripping in jewels, hair slicked back, emerald eyes dark and stormy, he strides confidently down the aisle. But even from here, I can see how hard he's clenching his jaw, how stiffly he carries himself. Even from here, I catch his gaze. It's just a flicker, but I think he knows about the bandages. I look away.

And then the doors on the left open to reveal Natalia.

Her gown is simple yet resplendent, shining with an eerie quality of the ocean at night. The sweetheart neckline and embroidered bodies compliment her curves, and the sleeves drape elegantly off her shoulders. The simplicity of her gown is offset by the royal jewels from the Kingdom of Ione. Her sapphire earrings, bracelets, and anklets add an ethereal percussion to the music.

And beside her walks Penthia, her maid of honor, in a complimentary green gown.

No one preceded them and no one comes after. Penthia is her only family. She takes her place beside Natalia as she joins hands with her future husband.

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