new neighbor

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a/n: im not a native english speaker so there might be some grammatical or spelling mistakes. sorry about that.

mallory groaned as her alarm clock woke her up from her deep slumber. she rubbed her eyes and picked up her phone to check what time it was.

                                  1:23 PM

looks like she'd slept through the morning again. nic put her head fall back onto her pillow as she began thinking about the past few weeks.

she had to say goodbye to her two best friends, tessa and quinnie, since her family had moved to a completely new state. but in a way, she felt relieved that she was most likely not going to see tessa and quinnie ever again. they were bad friends and they only used mallory when they needed something from her. besides from them, mallory has no other friend. she has been pretty lonely her whole life.

now, she was in a new town, for god knows how long. mallory sighed in despair.

what the hell was she gonna do now?


                             1:46 PM

mallory had gotten out of her bed and took a quick shower and she was now wasting her time on watching low budget drama shows on the television in the living room.

she knew that today was going to be a pretty lazy day since she had gotten a message from her parents saying that they wouldn't be home until late at night. work things.

this wasn't the first time her parents had done that. they've been doing this for years, she was used to it.

she had no parents to talk to, no siblings to play with and no friends to confide her biggest secrets with.

she had finished an entire season of a tv show before she got up of the couch and went to the kitchen to make herself some food. today she had opted for a turkey sandwich and an orange soda. tomorrow she promised herself she would eat something healthier.

as soon as she finished cooking her meal, mallory went back to the living room and mindlessly watched tv, not even paying attention to the plot before she once again fell asleep.



mallory woke up startled by the knocking noises. she had fallen asleep while watching tv. she looked down at her phone — it was almost 6 PM. who the hell was knocking at the door?

and also she didn't look very appealing at the moment. her hair was messy and she was wearing the same baggy clothes since yesterday. quickly, mallory tied her hair in a lazy bun and swept off the crumbs of food that were on her shirt before she ran to open the door.

"um, h-hi. i'm ethan." a guy who looked to be around mallory's age said. he was slightly taller than her and had a box in his hands.

"uh, hi? do you need something?" mallory asked to ethan visibly confused.

"oh, yeah! so you see since you moved to our neighborhood a couple days ago, my mom forced me to give you guys this." ethan showed her the box he had in his hands.

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