alternate ending: mallory lives, ethan dies

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*mallory's pov*

i woke up suddenly and my head was throbbing, i didn't feel like moving until i remembered what had happened...

ethan, he betrayed me. he manipulated me and everyone else and he killed his mother.

even though my head was throbbing, i managed to get up of my bed and try to find my parents. i walked to their room until what i saw horrified me.

they were both laid down on their queen sized bed, blood was all over the walls and their bodies as well. their faces were caved in as if someone had hit them in the face with a solid object multiple times.

my parents were dead — murdered. i collapsed on the floor, mourning my parents until i heard someone walking towards me.

and ethan then appeared out of nowhere with a bloodied rock in his hand in front of me.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" i yelled. and in response he simply smiled.

"ouch. i thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"well, n-not anymore! you fucking killed your mother, and then you made look fucking insane in front of everyone, including my own parents that you killed!"

ethan leaned down to my level, and caressed my cheek with his hand, bloodied hand much to my disgust.

"i was planning to kill you since the start, y'know? since the first day your family moved here. i was watching you guys through my window and i thought...what a perfect next person you were for me..." ethan giggled at the end.

"b-but that means everything we had was fake? when we kissed, when we were in my bedroom didn't mean anything to you?" i asked ethan.

"you mean when we fucked?" ethan smirked. "a man has his needs. i got what i wanted and unfortunately for you, you're not useful to me anymore."

tears started rolling down my face. i was nothing but a pawn to him, he never cared for me. he never loved me. he never was my friend. he never was my boyfriend.

"what are you going to do to me?" i asked with a trembling tone my voice.

ethan's smile widened even more — he truly was insane. "i'm gonna kill you of course. then i'll cut your wrists to make it look you killed yourself." ethan revealed.

"mentally disturbed girl suddenly snaps. she kills her parents in cold blood and then herself. that would make a cool headline on the news, right?"

"they'll never believe this! you're fucking insane!" i spat at ethan.

"trust me they will. my dad is great at covering things up for me." ethan bragged.

enraged, i screamed at him and jumped on him and started punching him repeatedly but he suddenly shoved his rock on my face causing me to fall on the ground.

i groaned in pain but ethan was faster, he hovered on top of my body, wrapped his hands around my neck and started squeezing. he started smiling as he sucked the life out of me.

but i was not going to die by his hands. so, i took all of my remaining strength that i had in me and shoved my knee to his groin causing him to groan in pain.

now that he was weakened, i took this opportunity to grab his rock and hit him on the head.

but he once again was faster than me and dodged my attack. i continued trying to hit until i eventually hit him on the face.

his body dropped like a sack on the ground.

shit, is he dead? did i kill him?

*third person pov*

unsure, mallory leaned over ethan's body to make sure he was dead. but unbeknownst to her, ethan was very much alive. he was waiting for her to lean down over him.

and when that moment came, he pulled out a pocket knife out of his sleeve and stabbed mallory just below her chest.

she fell back on the floor and placed her hand over wound. ethan quickly put his forearm on mallory's neck and started pressing on it restraining her from breathing or moving.

mallory started panicking. she was scared of dying, she didn't wanna die. so, even though of how weakened she was she took the very little remaining strength she had in her and pushed ethan off her, causing him great pain and to drop his pocket knife.

taking this opportunity while ethan was still on the ground, she took the pocket knife and walked to ethan.

this would be her only chance.

she got on her knees and put her forearm on his neck, preventing him from moving and effectively choking him. then she drove the blade to his chest once, causing ethan to groan in pain. blood spurted everywhere.

mallory drove the blade on ethan twice.


mallory then stabbed him a third time.

then a fourth time. ethan was practically choking on his own blood at this point.


and the she stabbed him one final time — straight into this heart, reminding her of how he shattered her heart in pieces.

she collapsed and started sobbing uncontrollably.

it was over.


idk what took me so long to write this ending. anyways, the epilogue of this chapter will be next, ill start working on it right now love u guys stay safe <3

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