the murder

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a/n: so i got a question. should i write mallory n ethan sm4t¿ idk if i should u guys lmk what u think.

2 weeks later...

mallory's family had warmed up to ethan. but ethan's family? not so much. his dad was still pissed at what happened 2 weeks ago, he had told ethan that mallory wasn't allowed into their place until he'd say so.


7:30 pm

mallory was home alone watching crappy teen drama shows on tv per usual when someone knocked at the door.

it was a blonde woman. she seemed to be in her mid to late 40s. and then mallory finally recognized her. it was ethan's mom, jane!

"are you ethan's mother, jane?" mallory asked the blonde woman.

"what makes you say that?" she responded with a small smile on her face.

"ethan talked to me about you. you seem like a great mother."

"i hope he only said good things about me, ha ha! can i come in?" jane asked.

mallory was a little taken aback by jane's request but she seemed like a fairly innocent woman.

"is ethan nice to you, dear?" jane said while admiring the beautifully decorated house.

"yes! ethan is actually the only real friend i have right now, even tho i've known him for less than a month. but it feels like i've known him for 10 years."

"good. by the way, you guys got a really nice apartment. you heard of the lady that killed herself?"

mallory nodded. "yup. threw herself up the rooftop." mallory said as she pointed her finger up. "very unfortunate."

"well! i think that is time for me to go young lady. ethan and his family are waiting for me."

"goodbye, ms russell."

mallory found this whole interaction to be very strange. but she shrugged it off as nothing and went back to watching tv for another good 30 minutes when suddenly she heard a piercing scream coming from outside.

"what the fuck was that?" mallory whispered to herself.

mallory turned her head to the nearest window and realized that the screams were coming from the russell's residence.

mallory saw ms russell getting stabbed by an unknown person. her jaw dropped. mallory was paralyzed by fear and she didn't know what to do.

and then she witnessed ms russell getting stabbed again numerous times, her blood splattering all over the walls and the window until her body went limp and she stopped moving.

mallory couldn't believe her eyes. she'd just witnessed the murder of the mother of her friend.

overwhelmed by a rush of mixed emotions mallory passed out on the ground, hitting her head in the process.


mallory groaned in pain as she woke up, back in her bedroom. suddenly she remembered what she had witnessed last night.

ethan's mother, jane russell was dead. she was murdered in cold blood in her own residence. there was only one person who could've done it.

alistair russell.

"mom!? dad?!" mallory called for help, and almost immediately her parents came running to her room.

"mallory oh my god. sweetie are you ok?" her mother asked, obviously worried.

"no! i saw ms russell, ethan's mom get murdered last night! we gotta call the police mom!"

her parents looked at each other, then gave mallory a strange look.

"what? mallory, are you sure?"

"yes! i-im sure it was alistair russell who murdered her!"


2 hours later, mallory and her parents accompanied by the detectives little and norelli to the russell's.

mallory was convinced that alistair had murdered his wife, but when they got here — another lady who looked like jane pretended to be the real jane russell.

"jane?dead?" alistair scoffed. "THIS is jane russell, young lady."

"no! this isn't her! this isn't the lady i saw getting killed last night, she's an impostor!" mallory accused pointing at the lady pretending to be jane russell.

"mallory, are you sure of what you saw?" one of the detectives asked her. "yes goddamnit! this man," mallory pointed her finger towards alistair. "he killed her and then hired this lady to pretend to be his wife!"

everyone in the room rolled their eyes.

"ms and mrs slater, aren't you ashamed of your daughter? she's delusional!" alistair yelled.

"we're so sorry. mallory takes medication very frequently, it causes her to hallucinate sometimes. we are so sorry for the disturbance we caused."

mallory couldn't believe what she just had heard. exposing her private life to everyone in this room. now, everyone must think she's crazy, even ethan who was in the room but hadn't said a word since they got here.

"ethan! please tell them i'm right. please." mallory pleased but to no avail. ethan shook his head. "i'm sorry mallory, but this is my mother. i don't know who you saw getting murdered last night."

enraged, mallory ran out of the russell's residence and went back to her apartment where she locked herself in her room for the rest of the day.


mallory was about to fall asleep when someone opened her bedroom's door. it was ethan.

"don't you know you have to knock before you enter a room? i could've been naked." mallory jokingly said but with a hint of anger in her voice.

"are you mad at me? because you like, imagined someone getting murdered last night." ethan asked.

"i don't know ethan, do you think i'm crazy?" mallory looked at ethan in the eyes. she wanted an honest, sincere response from him.

"i don't think you are mallory. you were just on medication that night. but my mom is alive and well, alright? and even if you were crazy, i'd still be your friend." what ethan had said caused mallory to smile, but she still wasn't fully convinced.

she knew something else, something sinister was going on.

"thanks, ethan i really appreciate it." 


during the night, mallory couldn't sleep. she had one thing in mind. ethan. he had been a great friend of her, but could they be more than just friends? over the last few days mallory noticed that she wanted to be more than just friends with ethan. she wanted to be with him.


meanwhile, ethan was looking through the pictures of mallory he'd taken on his phone while she was sleeping. she was too adorable, he thought. he had been breaking into the slater's apartment all week and no one even heard or noticed him, this was so easy.

as he thought about mallory, he started thinking about his feelings towards her. yes, right now they were friends and he was gonna kill her but, they could be more than friends, perhaps? ethan wanted to be with her so bad but he also wanted to kill her so so bad.

confused at his feelings, ethan closed his phone and went to bed. dreaming about every sick and twisted ways he could end one's life.


hello!!!! i hope this chapter was good:D see you all on the next one <3

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