the previous owner

317 11 2

tw: mentions of suicide, self harm and toxic relationship

9:34 am

mallory was enjoying her breakfast with her dad. his dad was reading whatever was in the newspaper and he suddenly made a gasping noise.

"you okay there, dad?" mallory asked while biting into a piece of waffle.

"you won't believe what i just found out! the last woman that lived here, her name was anna fox, actually killed herself 3 months before we moved here."

"what the fuck?" mallory exclaimed. "how did she do it?"

"she jumped out of the rooftop. and language, mallory. you know i don't appreciate these words."

mallory shrugged and rolled her eyes. "but wait until mom hears about this. you think she'll freak out?"

"ha! she most likely will."


mallory liked taking hot showers. they were relaxing and making her feel less stressed.

she looked down at her arms and then to the scars on her wrists. she hadn't cut herself for at least 2 weeks and she was proud of herself. but then she started thinking about why she did it.

it was when her so called best friends had set her up with this guy named jared.

he was nice at first, he was funny, charming and caring. typical boyfriend shit, right? for the first weeks for their relationship, mallory truly felt like she was in love. she thought jared was the one.

but then, as the months passed, jared's personality completly changed. he became violent towards her. mallory desperatly tried to get out of the relationship, but to no avail.

jared would tell her that he would kill himself if he left him. her friends, tessa and quinnie didn't even believe her when she confessed that jared was violent towards her.

finally, after 4 months of enduring this toxic relatiosnhip, mallory finally found the guts to break up with jared. he didn't take it well.

that's why he began spreading rumors about her. tessa and quinnie even believed some of them and it took mallory weeks to prove that the rumors were fake to them.

all of that caused mallory to fall in a huge depression. she even had, and still has to take antidepressants.


when mallory had finished showering and put her clothes back on, she went to her room and grabbed a comic to read when suddenly she felt her room vibrate in the pocket of her sweater. she'd gotten a message from an unknown number.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: hey mallory its ethan.

mallory smiled to herself. this is exaclty what she needed right now.

mallory: heyyy

ethan :) : so do you wanna hang out?

if you're not busy, of course


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