more than friends

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a/n: idk if you guys watched the white lotus but, the ending of yesterday's episode LMAOOO i actually hate this show 😭

a few days had passed since mallory thought she had witnessed the murder of ethan's mom. even thought everyone around her would tell her that she was hallucinating, she still was suspicious of alistair russell. i mean, he literally smacked ethan hard in the face right in front of her.

"are you feeling alright, mallory?" ethan asked causing her to snap out of her thoughts. "you've barely even touched your macaroni."

"um, yeah...i was just thinking about why your dad hits you. does he do it often.?"

ethan was looking at his foot with a sad look on his face. "it's just that dad has a lot of stress, it builds up in him and he has to get it out. it's alright." ethan shrugged off.

"no, that's not okay ethan. just because he has a lot of stress, doesn't meant that he has to take it out on you."  mallory tried comforting ethan by placing her hand on his shoulder, but instead he quickly gave her a hug which mallory wasn't expecting.

but it didn't mean she minded. she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. she could feel him crying on her shoulders.

"i'll always be there for you, no matter what ethan." mallory whispered in his ear.

suddenly, ethan's hand moved to her face and his eyes locked with hers. ethan tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and took a deep breath.

and then it happened. ethan kissed her. totally unexpected but mallory soon started kissing him back.

tw: sexual content 😮 if you're uncomfortable you can skip until you see bold text.

unexpectedly, ethan began moving his lips from mallory's lips to her neck. this was new for mallory but she enjoyed it. she felt ethan smirk against her neck when she had let out a little moan out of her mouth.

soon, she felt something poking her thigh. that's when she realized that it was actually his growing bulge that was pressing against her thigh.

ethan wanted something more so she decided to give it to him. "come to my room." and ethan did as he was told, he quickly followed mallory to her bedroom and locked the door.

mallory was already laying down on her bed and ethan came crawling on top of her.

ethan got rid of his vest, and then his shirt followed soon enough. when he was completely shirtless, he proceeded to carefully remove mallory's shirt leaving her in her bra only.

mallory soon quickly took care of the rest of her clothes by removing her leggings and throwing them on the ground. she was now in her underwear only.

"ethan, i'm a virgin..." mallory quickly confessed.

"oh, that's okay. don't worry."

ethan unbuckled his pants leaving him in his underwear only too.

"a-are you sure you wanna do this? cause we can stop if you want. we don't have to." ethan asked.

but mallory was sure.

"yes i'm sure. i want you."

and that's all ethan needed to hear. he quickly got rid of mallory's underwear, leaving her fully naked in front of him. soon enough he removed his boxers and he was now fully naked as well.

ethan positioned himself between mallory and spread her legs just a little.

"are you ready?"

mallory nodded.

and that's when ethan started entering her. mallory's eyes widened at the new sensation. the start was painful at first, so ethan had to move slowly inside of her, but mallory eventually got used to the sensation and the pain turned into pleasure. she wrapped her legs around ethan's waist so he could have more space. ethan then began thrusting into her at a faster pace.

mallory couldn't even describe what she was feeling right now. she felt like all of this was just a dream. she couldn't help herself from screaming ethan's name and moaning loudly.

soon enough, mallory felt her coming close and ethan began pounding into her as fast as he could until his thrust became sloppier and eventually released inside of her.

when the 2 young teens were finished, ethan laid next to mallory, his body covered in sweat and breathing heavily. mallory was already asleep.

if u skipped the smut now u can read again!!!

ethan looked at mallory sleeping, she looked so peaceful. it made him smile.

what a shame that she was going to die.

hellooo <33 hope you enjoyed this chapter bffs! also follow me on tik tok @/enbykalivoda!! <3

see you all on the next chapter.

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