alternate ending: mallory lives, ethan dies (epilogue)

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mallory slater was now living with her aunt in ohio. she couldn't bear living in new york anymore, too much trauma and bad memories.

although ethan was dead, mallory still lived in fear. she kept hearing strange noises at night and felt like someone was watching her.

and her dreams were worse. she kept having the same dream of ethan coming back from the dead to kill her.

so that's why her aunt booked her appointments with a therapist that could help her cope with her trauma. and it did work, most of the time.

mallory was feeling better these days, although she knew ethan never really left.

a few weeks after she moved in with her aunt, mallory began feeling sick. that's when she knew she was pregnant. with ethan's child.

when her aunt found out, she obviously was mad at mallory for not using any kind of protection, but then she remembered how ethan manipulated her and scolding her about being pregnant at such a young age would just make her more stressed than she was already.

mallory wanted to keep the baby. although, that would be a constant reminder of ethan and that he somehow, still lives.


almost a year later, mallory welcomed into the world a beautiful and healthy baby girl.

as much as she was happy and caring for her daughter, she knew that someday she will want to know who her father is.

and the creepiest part, was that her babygirl had father's eyes. and sometimes mallory thought that ethan was watching her.

but aside from that, mallory was happy to have a daughter to take care of with the help of her aunt.


voilaaa. i hope you guys enjoyed this little epilogue <3

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