The following morning, Harry got a headache. and a very painful one. He felt like a dwarf was pounding in his head. It was truly uncomfortable.
"Well, well, well"
Harry turned his head and saw Niall leaning on the doorframe with a cup of tea in his hands.
Harry sat up in his bed to give Niall a proper look.
"My head ache" he said
"You didn't sleep well without your little Loulou?" Niall said
"What?" he gave Niall a weird look
"You drank way too much last night" he rolled his eyes "Oh by the way" he said, taking something out of his pocket and throwing it at Harry "Your phone"
"Why did you have my phone?" Harry asked, frowning and catching the phone Niall just thrown his way
"You wanted to call Louis yesterday and I figured you'd have regretted it if you actually did"
Harry sighed "Thanks Niall"
"I'm here for that. Drink a bit of water" he said, motioning to the bedside table
Niall left the room and Harry checked his phone. It was 12 a.m. Alcohol tired him out so much.
He opened his notifications, he had a text from Louis.
Louis: do you want to come over today?
Oh. What did Harry have to do today? Nothing, so why not.
Harry: yeah okay. what time?
He put his phone on his nightstand and stood up. He picked a pair of black skinny jeans with a green jumper from his closet. It was winter, sweater season, and Harry had a great collection of those. Life required a collection of jumpers and sweats, and even more toward the end of november.
"I'm leaving. See ya" Niall said from the kitchen
"See you and thanks" Harry replied as he entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him
He heard Niall yell 'no problem mate' and the door closing before he turned the shower on.
He showered, brushed his teeth and put his necklace and rings on. Rings were swag. Harry was swag. So he wore jewelry, obviously.
When he came back to his bedroom, he had a reply from Louis.
Louis: Lottie should leave pretty soon
Harry: I eat and then I come
Harry put his phone in his pocket and quickly ate leftovers from yesterday. Why was he in such a hurry? It wasn't like he wanted to see Louis. Like. It wasn't that.
He went to the hall to put his shoes on. Louis' answer came a few minutes later as he left his flat.
Louis: she just left
Great. Harry already left anyway.
He drove to Louis' and once he arrived, he knocked at the door. Louis opened it, and like the first time Harry came here, he was half naked. It was not like he hadn't seen him naked now, but still. He had to check him out, because, well. Louis was handsome and it'd be a shame not to enjoy the view.
"Hi. Come in" Louis said
"Hey" Harry replied as he stepped inside
Louis closed the door behind Harry and went to the kitchen. Harry followed him and sat on one of the chairs.

another stupid hate song
Fanfictionharry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs out with liam and zayn who happens to be louis' best friends and also harry's friends. the thing is, harry and louis don't get along. at all...