The wake up had been quite harsh, Mr Clark knocked -well, he punched the door- several times to wake them up, telling them to get dressed for the first activity. Louis was already up when Harry woke up, he was petting his hair and watching the sea from the window.
Harry rewarded himself for being a genius, putting their beds here was a very good idea and waking up this way was incredible. Louis looked so pretty in the morning.
They got up and got dressed before joining their seven classmates that had been able to go on the trip and the teachers in front of the hotel.
They were all already here, one guy that Harry remembered was named Josh and... other human beings. He realised then he didn't really remember anyone's name, so thanks for this trip, because he'd get to know them more. They seemed cool.
He looked at Louis who was beside him, in a pair of black shorts and an England football jersey. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and he was looking outside. He looked hot
The last days with Louis had been kinda weird, they were getting along really well, and it was very unusual. It wasn't not like Harry liked him or anything, but he was bearable, and pretty, also kind and surprisingly interesting, but it didn't change anything, did it? Nah, probably not.
Louis' mum and Lottiz were both great people, Harry could tell. They reminded him of his own mum and Gemma, they seemed really close to each other.
"Alright guys! Today, we're going to an amusement park" Mr Corden said, tearing Harry from his thoughts
An amusement park? How was that going to help them know each other better?
"Um, not that I don't like the idea, but what does it have to do with theater and all that" a pink haired girl said, Harry thought he remembered her name, Eden?
"Not gonna lie, we're here to have fun together more than do theater related things. The school's paying, so let's put it to good use" Mr Clark shrugged it off
"Also, you can call us by our name. No formalities here, call me James and call him Jake" James said
Everyone said 'okay' and then they talked a bit more before they all hopped on a bus to the amusement park. Louis sat next to the Eden girl, Okay talking and laughing with her. Okay, so Harry was gonna uh, sit next to some unknown person.
He went to the back of the bus where someone he recognized from his class was sitting. They had blue short hair, a Nirvana t-shirt, a pair of light jean shorts and black scribbled converse.
"Can I sit here?" he asked
The person turned to look at him and gave him a smile, rushing a "Yeah, no problem!" brightly
"Thanks. I'm Harry" he said while sitting, hoping for them to say their name back
"My name's River, I go by they/them" they smiled and extended their hands for Harry to shake.
Harry smiled right back and shook River's hand "Oh, I go by he/him" he replied
"Okay, cool" River answered "I'm glad you said your name because if I'm honest, I had forgotten" they said sheepishly
That made Harry laughed "Oh my god, me too. I mean, I didn't forget my name, but yours"
River laughed "Well, we're even"
River seemed kind and funny. Harry liked them.
Harry heard a loud laugh coming from the front of the bus, he turned to the noise to see Louis wholeheartedly laughing at something pink-haired girl said, his head thrown back. Harry was aware he was probably glaring but why did he have to be so loud?

another stupid hate song
Fanfictionharry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs out with liam and zayn who happens to be louis' best friends and also harry's friends. the thing is, harry and louis don't get along. at all...