Chapter 22

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After getting to school together, Louis and Harry didn't see each other -except for classes- until rehearsal on thursday.

During the classes they had together, they talked and even laughed from time to time, and when Mr Clark caught them, he eyed them suspiciously. Harry got it, it was unusual that the two were getting along, let alone laughing together, but it was a great change.

Harry learned that Louis had never been to a concert, which was a shame, really, and he made a mental note out of it for whatever reason. Louis also told him he didn't like avocados, and Harry had been shocked by this revelation.

Harry had told Louis a few things about himself too, like his favorite color, which was pink, and Louis had laughed and told him he was a bit of a gay cliché. Harry had jabbed him and laughed along before reminding him that Louis' favorite band was Arctic Monkeys and that was typical gay shit.

He had also, for whatever reason, told him about Gemma and the fact that he was really close to her and how much he missed her. Louis had smiled quite fondly while Harry talked about her and told Harry that it reminded him much about his relationship with Lottie.

One thing leading to another, Harry had told Louis his coming out story.

"The first person I came out to was Gems, she told me 'I'm glad you trust me, I love you no matter what' and hugged me. I cried like a freaking baby because for some reason, I had convinced myself she'd be against it, even though she never talked shit about queer people" he had said

"It's great to know you're supported" Louis had smiled

"What about you?" Harry had dared ask

He knew a few things about Louis coming out to his dad, but he hoped that he wasn't the first person he came out to.

"I think I came out during a family dinner, with mum, Lottie and the girls. My dad already left long ago and I hadn't come out to him yet" he started "Lottie was talking about a friend of her who came out recently and how proud she was of him, and everyone agreed -not the twins, they were too young to know what we were really talking about- and so I thought that it would be the perfect time, and I just said 'well I'm gay'. They all stopped and looked at me, I started to reconsider what I said and try to find a way to get myself out of the situation, and then me mum smiled and hugged me, my sister came around me and did the same, telling me they all were proud and loved me"

Louis had smiled so fondly at the memories that Harry had grinned back.

"When did you come out?" Harry had asked, curiosity taking over him

"When I was seventeen"

Harry's eyebrow had shot up, he had thought Louis came out way before that.

"Yeah, yeah. I know what you think. It's quite late. I have had both boyfriends and girlfriends in my life, and I quickly enough realized girls weren't my cup of tea, but I wasn't ready to tell my family" he had shrugged

Without any of them even noticing, Mr Clark had made his way to them and was looking between the pair.

"Listen guys, as much as I love seeing you two finally getting along, I'd like to pursue my class. You know, the one you're supposed to listen to" he had said pointedly

They had both apologized and listened to the last bit of what Mr Clark was saying.

It was really weird that they both were getting along. Harry was having a hard time processing it. Even four days later, right now, on thursday.

Rehearsal was going great. Louis, Harry and the others were doing some improv, because Mr Clark told them to. Mr Corden was there too, and from time to time -for god knew what reason- asked them to sing a song with the word he told them. It was chaos, everyone was singing different songs over each other, and while it was quite fun, it was also displeasing.

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