Chapter 27

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After they finished eating, everyone decided to do the same ride. Louis and Harry sat together in the middle. Louis was clearly tense and wasn't comfortable as it was the biggest roller coaster in the park.

Harry could feel him shift and rub his hands on his shorts uncomfortably next to him and it was stressing him out.

"You don't have to do it if you're uncomfortable" Harry said, looking at him

"Yeah, I know. But I want to do it" he nodded

"It's still time to go down if you want" Harry pressed

He needed to make sure Louis wanted to do it. What if he passed out or god knows what?

"No. Stop trying to get rid of me" he smiled slightly but the unease was still clearly written across his face.

The harnesses went down, the security checked them and then they were going up. It went higher and higher and when Harry glanced at Louis, this one was digging his nails in his thigh.

"I can't do it. Fuck I should have left when I still could have" he said, shutting his eyes tightly

"Hey it's okay" Harry said, reaching for his hand.

Louis opened his eyes and looked at Harry's fingers as they intertwined with his, then looked down over his harness. Bad idea. He squeezed Harry's hand tightly in his and shook his head.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm going to pass out" he said shakily

"He, hey, no you're not. I'm right here, just breathe an-"

Before being able to finish, they were going down at full speed. Louis was screaming and gripping at Harry's hand until his knuckles turned white. It was lowkey painful for Harry but probably less painful than Louis' thigh at the moment.

The ride ended after what seemed like forever for Harry's hand, and Louis got out first, his legs shaky. Harry got out shortly after and when he saw Louis' expression, he quickly walked to him. He cupped his jaw to make him look up and rubbed his cheeks, trying to relax him. He'd say it kind of worked. Louis looked really shaken by this and Harry didn't think he was that scared.

"Hey baby it's okay, it's over" Harry said, rubbing the skin under Louis' eyes

Harry had never used words of affection toward Louis, except maybe during sex or ironically, but never quite seriously. Louis did, when Harry was feeling poorly, and it was probably the same right now. No meaning behind it. But it didn't feel weird to say it, almost normal?

Louis was breathing shakily and nodded "Yeah, I'm just- adrenaline and all that" he said, taking a step back and letting Harry's hands fall off his face. He quickly rubbed his eyes "Right, um. Sorry, this is embarrassing"

What was embarrassing was the number of times Harry had fallen in tears into Louis' arms and not this one time that Louis did.

"No it's okay" and it was, everyone had fears

Louis pursed his lips and avoided Harry's eyes, clear unease upon his face. Uh, okay, Harry should try to do something like, tell him a joke? It was probably a bad idea, Harry always told bad jokes. Maybe a bit of teasing? Teasing would do.

"Admit that you were pretending to be scared just to hold my hand" Harry smirked

"Shut up" Louis said, jabbing Harry's shoulder but his mouth quirked up

Harry took that as a win.

"We should go, the other left like five minutes ago?" Harry said

"Yeah, um. yeah" he nodded

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