It had been two days since Harry and Louis had sex. They hadn't seen each other since then, because Louis was needed at home and Harry hung out with Niall.
Harry told Niall about what happened between him and Louis. Well, in fact, he didn't really tell him, Niall guessed. He was far from stupid and when he saw Harry limping, he immediately knew he had sex. Harry told him it was with Louis. Even if Niall hadn't guessed, Harry would've told him, they're best friends after all. Niall made fun of him for not being able to walk correctly, he couldn't help it.
Harry was with Niall in a bar. It was 10 p.m and Harry was already a bit tipsy from the three mojitos he already drank. He and Niall were talking about their best memories together.
"Remember when we jumped out a window! It was in secondary school and the principal was so mad at us!" Harry laughed
"Oh god! This guy was obsessed with us" Niall laughed too
"He definitely had something against us" Harry said "But what, though? Were we so gorgeous he couldn't stay away from us?" he added, taking a sip from his drink
"Absolutely, who could stay away from us?" Niall smiled "Oh! Do you remember our first kiss?" Niall said excitedly
"Hell yeah I do!" Harry and Niall burst out laughing at the memory "I wanted to make this guy jealous so bad and didn't know how so you just grabbed my face and kissed me right in front of him!" Harry said with a smile "You were my first kiss, Nialler. I'll never forget what you did" he said with a smile and his hand on his heart
"I'll never forget either. Thank god you were as bad as me and I wasn't embarrassed after" Niall laughed
"I just need to point out that I've improved" Harry faked being offended
"Oh, Harry, I don't doubt that. Qat all. I saw you and Louis kissing in the toilets. Neither of you seemed to be a bad kisser" Niall said with a smirk
"Do you want to do a threesome or something? That can be arranged with Louis you know" Harry joked
"Oh, god no. I'll never ask you to share" Niall said "And I want to keep my ability to walk"
"Oh come on" Harry laughed and slapped Niall's arm who bursted out laughing "I won't mind if you two fucked" he stopped and thought about it quickly "Okay, maybe I would mind, but only because it would be weird if we fucked the same guy" Harry said "And you're not even gay" he pointed out as he took a sip
"I could be for Louis" Niall shrugged. Harry choked
"I'm joking, I'm joking" Niall widened his eyes as he saw Harry's reaction
"Don't do that. Ever again. I could have died!" Harry said
Maybe he was being a bit dramatic
"I didn't think you'd take it so seriously" Niall laughed slightly "I won't take your man, don't worry"
Harry blushed and hurried to answer "He's not 'my man'. What happened was because I had a moment of weakness" he rolled his eyes
"Seems like you enjoyed this moment of weakness" Niall said
"Niall" Harry said with kind of an angry look
"What? Didn't you like it?" Niall asked curiously
"I liked the sex, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't like the person"
"Yeah, okay, but if he asked you to fuck him, you wouldn't say no"
"First of all" he held a finger up "I usually don't fuck people. People fuck me" he looked at his drink to take a sip and looked back to Niall "And second, I don't know how I'd react"

another stupid hate song
Fanfictionharry is 21 and louis is 23. they are music students in manchester. niall, who is harry's best friend, hangs out with liam and zayn who happens to be louis' best friends and also harry's friends. the thing is, harry and louis don't get along. at all...