Chapter 19

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Harry woke up the next day in Louis' arms. He turned to look over his shoulders to see Louis still sleeping. Harry smiled lightly and reached for his phone on the nightstand, being careful not to move too much and wake him up. When he turned it on, he saw some notifications from social media and new messages from an unknown number. Well, the number wasn't registered in Harry's phone anymore, but he knew damn well who it was.


Louis woke up at the feeling of Harry suddenly tensing up against his chest. He blinked a few times before looking over Harry's shoulder. He had his phone in his hands and was staring at some texts sent by an unregistered number. But by the way Harry's body reacted, this one probably knew who it was

****: hey hazz
****: miss u so muvh babe
****: much*
****: come to my place later tonight ;)
****: miss u baby

Louis frowned and disentangled himself from Harry, setting at least a foot distance between them.

Who was it? Could it be... did Harry have a boyfriend? What if he had? Holy shit what if Louis slept with Harry and he had a boyfriend all along? Louis might throw up. Everything in his head was going so fast he didn't even realised Harry had turned to him and was staring right in his eyes.



"You okay?" Harry asked, looking concerned

What was Louis' option to answer?

Option 1: He could yell at Harry and ask him to explain, but he'd sound jealous and it'd be beyond their... whatever was going on between them. Even though he should yell at Harry because what the fuck?! What if he really had a boyfriend and Harry cheated on him with Louis?

Option 2: Pretend he never saw that, but it wouldn't be ethical and not to mention that Louis would feel bad, like actually bad

Option 3: Throw him out of his fucking house with no explanation and never talk to him ever again, even if he'd have to talk to him again because they were in the musical together

Louis considered his options but he was teared out from his thoughts by Harry's hand landing on his forehead. What the-

"Are you okay Louis?" Harry asked, even more concerned than before

"Who was it?" was what left Louis' mouth

Harry moved his hand away and frowned.


"The texts" Louis enlightened him, though he didn't like how Harry tried to pretend he didn't know what he was talking about

"It's-" he sighed "It's Seth" he replied

Louis frowned so hard his entire forehead wrinkled. Who the fuck was Seth? was Louis supposed to know him?

"Who the fuck's Seth?" Louis snapped

Harry looked away and grimaced before looking back into Louis' eyes

"My ex" he said before pursing his lips

"Oh" Louis sighed

He was somehow relieved that he wasn't his boyfriend but something knotted in his stomach. He couldn't say what but it was there.

There was a moment of silence before Louis opened his mouth again.

"Are you going to see him?"

"What?" Harry frowned

"He asked you to come over. Are you going to?"

"No. Absolutely not" Harry shook his head "Can we please, um, not talk about him anymore?"

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