Chapter 31

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That night, after dinner and after Anne retreated to her room, Gemma and Harry were sitting on the couch. In the background, an episode of nailed it was playing quietly while Harry and his sister were talking, Gemma talking about some friends she made in paris.

"Her name's Martha, she's British as well. she became my friend on maybe the second day of this year?" she chuckled "We met at a bar-restaurant and we got along immediately. Since then we have had this tradition of going to eat pastas at this italian's restaurant near the Eiffel Tower every saturday night. And then get wasted in some random club"

"She seems cool" Harry said

"I'm sure you'd like her. Very sarcastic, funny, lovely"

"I'd probably like her, then" he smiled

Gemma smiled back and they both redirected their attention to the TV for a minute, before Gemma looked back to Harry.

"Tell me about that play you're playing in" she started "What's it about?"

Harry turned to her and thought for a second, trying to find the good words to explain it.

"It's about a guy living a lonely life, not finding his purpose. One day he meets another lonely soul, but they weren't from the same world. Both of them were searching for themselves, and they tried to help each other out, discovering one another" he said

Harry looked away from Gemma's expecting gaze, taking a deep breath. it, somehow, made Harry feel a weird type of way. Mr Clark wrote this play and it was truly beautiful. The feelings he put in, that left Harry a bit speechless. He wouldn't ever be able to describe it as beautifully as it was written. But he was trying, at least.

"They slowly realized the other was what they were looking for, but they couldn't be together because of the fact that it wasn't really real, it wasn't possible. Peter -the first lead- wanted to be reunited with his love, willing to leave his lonely life and everything behind just to be with Thomas, not even having a second thought about it. Thomas, on the other hand knew that he wanted Peter, but he didn't know if he'd be willing to take any risk, not knowing whether what he feared to lose was his old life which he grew used to, or Peter. All of it is in fact metaphorical, they are both very different and could be seen as from different worlds"

"It seems like a beautiful story. Who are you playing?" she asked, studying him

"It is, Mr Clark is a fantastic writer" he nodded "And I'm playing Thomas"

"When do you play it? And who plays Peter?" she asked curiously

Harry inhaled and looked down at his laps, starting to fiddle with his fingers.

"It's Louis" he said lowly "will we play it in four months? I think"

"You think" she deadpanned

"Yeah" he chuckled "I forgot"

She rolled her eyes "of course you did. Anyways, Louis"

Harry's smile fell "Can we not?"

"Why?" she frowned, sounding truly confused

Harry mirrored her expression "Mum didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what? What is it?" Gemma pressed, confusion written all over her features

"Whatever" Harry sighed.

So his mum didn't tell Gemma that she saw them kissing, apparently. Harry didn't know how he felt about withholding this information from Gemma, though. It wasn't like it was a big deal, but still. Maybe he should tell her. Maybe it would appease some of the heaviness and confusion about he and Louis' relationship's nature. If they could call that a relationship. He decided to tell her anyway.

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