Chapter 6

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I look back in my seat to see who it is. I am filled with dread. Why did he have to be here? At least he brought the others with him. "Hi Leo, Jay, and Thomas. What are you guys doing here?" I said wearily.

"I thought you were with your parents?" Jay asked curiously.

"Clementine and I needed to get out to vent. So, we went to The Dairy Ice Cream Palace. This is Tracy she works at the ice cream place. Tracy this is Jay, Leo, and Thomas they work at the school." I said.

"It is very nice to meet you guys. I have heard so much about all of you." Tracy said.

"Well isn't that nice." Leo said.

"Do you guys want to join us?" Clementine asked.

"Sure, we would love to join you. But we wouldn't want to impose on girls night out." Jay said.

"Oh, you wouldn't be imposing, please join us." Tracy said enthusiastically.

Oh goodie, I see how this is going to turn out. Bad, really bad. I already deal with Leo's comments almost every day. Why does he have to be here? Oh yeah, that's right, they had bowling. As if I don't have enough to deal with. Oh well, they are here might as well.

"Go ahead take your seats, we already ordered. How was bowling?" I asked.

"Bowling was amazing, Jay bowled a 150, Leo bowled a 162, and I bowled a 133. Leo hit a new record!" Thomas said enthusiastically.

"Wow! The highest I have bowled is a 98! I was so proud of myself for it! That must have been fun!" Clementine said.

"Yes it was, thank you for asking. And yours is a good score too." Leo said.

Man this night stinks! Well, actually the day. First my parents show up, then we go to school and I deal with Leo. Then I go home and yell at my parents. And now this! I'm actually eating with him! Why me? I can't wait to get this night over with!

After we got done with the dinner, and Leo being very rude to me, we girls decided on going to the movies and seeing Mirage of the Year. Except, the guys had apparently also planned on seeing that after eating. Why? Although, I would rather deal with Leo than with my parents. 

When we got to the movie theaters an old lady got her heel stuck in the middle of the road as a car came full speed toward her. I reacted by running over to the old lady and pushing both of us out of the way. Wow, that was a rush! The old lady looks all right.

"Are you ok m'am?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. Thank you so much! You saved my life!" The old lady said thankfully.

And then cameras showed up taking pictures and trying to get comments. I have to get out of here! "Wait a second, aren't you Kelsey Jackson! I'm such a huge fan!" The old lady said getting more in the picture with me.

"Figures! You can't go with her anywhere without a camera crew!" Leo said.

Thomas ran over and grabbed my arm and pulled me toward a taxi, Clementine at his heels. "Leo, Jay, see you guys tomorrow!" Thomas said.

We were in the taxi and Thomas was giving him directions to who knows where. Why did he save me from the public eye? Or at least try to? Not many people have done that for me, except for Clementine.

"Where are we headed?"I asked.

"Back to my place, hopefully there won't be anything out there about this tomorrow. If so then we will have many people coming to the school and a lot of drama for us." Thomas said ruefully.

"Thanks for doing that, I really wasn't expecting it. Not many people have saved me from paparazzi. Only Clementine has stuck her neck out for me like that. Thank you. It was very kind." I said thankfully.

"It was no problem, I see you as a friend. And I would never take advantage of you. That was very brave, what you did. Saving that old lady from being run over. You should be proud of yourself." Thomas said.

"Wow, that was amazing! But where did all the paparazzi come from?" Clementine said cautiously.

I looked at my phone to see what time it was, and it was 10:00. I looked at all the newscastings, and it showed my heroics all over. I looked and saw it was leaked by an unknown source that I was about to go to the movies. Who would do that? I bet I know exactly who, Leo. But they must not have expected the old lady to almost be run over.

We arrived about 10 minutes later. "How much is it." Thomas asked.

"It is $23.09. And if I can I would like an autograph from little miss sunshine back there." The cab driver said.

Ugh! Another fan! They are like flies to the sticky paper trap! But I will seeing as how he asked. "Yes you can have an autograph. I'll pay Thomas, you don't have to."  I said as I gave him an autograph.

"No, no I got it! It is only fair. You deserve to be treated like a lady." Thomas said politely.

Wow no one has ever paid for anything I have gotten. Not even on any of my dates. They all said," Oh, I forgot my wallet!" or "I'm not going to be paid until tomorrow." All of those guys were jerks! Thomas just seems different. And he is cute. Really cute. Maybe when I get to know him more we could go out.

"Thanks, that means a lot to me. Not a lot of people have done that for me." I said.

 "No problem, no problem at all. If you guys want I can set up another movie for you guys to watch." Thomas said.

"No, we had better head home it is late, and besides Clementine has to get to bed, after all class tomorrow." I said.

"Well then good night, I will also give you a ride back to your place." Thomas said getting out.

When we got into his car, and headed toward my house Clementine fell asleep on me. I love her so much. She is like a daughter to me. I just hope she doesn't wake up. I don't want her crying all night because of her grandparents. 

We finally got to my house 20 minutes later. "Thank you so much Thomas. Today was a crazy day. I hope you have a good night." I said quietly trying not to wake up Clementine. "See you tomorrow."

I picked her up and then saw moving trucks out of the corner of my eye. "What in the world?" I took her inside and saw all the furniture I had chosen replaced with the type of furniture my parents like. How dare they! This is my house! I took Clementine to her bed, then went to confront my parents.

"What do you guys think you are doing? This is my house, not yours! You know what, I want you guys out of here by tomorrow! And I want my furniture put back!" I said angrily. "I also want you guys to stay away from Clementine! You guys have hurt her so much! But you guys don't seem to realize that!"

"We are not going anywhere, we bought the property this afternoon." My mom said.

"How could you? I bought this house when I was 21. I have the deed to prove it." I said.

"Well, not anymore we went straight to the housing office, and we bought it out from under you. And we are kicking you out. You are to never come here again, unless we say otherwise. Well, see you soon Kelsey. We want you out of here now." My dad said.

"I will fight you guys on this. And, I will win." I said.

I went and picked up Clementine and took us to the car. I called Thomas. He answered on the third ring. "Hello? May I ask who's calling?" Thomas asked.

I started crying and told him what happened. "Come and stay here until you get this settled. I'm more than happy to put you guys up in my spare bedrooms." Thomas said sadly.

How could they do this to me? I was their daughter, well apparently not. How dare they! I am going to fight this with everything I have! Clementine will not lose the house she practically grew up in. And I will not give up. I went back inside and got my stuff and put it in the car. Then I started driving back over to Thomas'.

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