Chapter 4

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I got up at 6:00 A.M. to get all my stuff ready for school and to make blueberry pancakes with bacon and eggs. I had already set Clementine's food on the table and was waiting to eat with her. "Clementine your food is ready hurry up!"

She came bounding in wearing her orange tiger hat. I was expecting her to wear her Grand Canyon hat. It is her choice after all. I hope she is ready for today.After we got done eating and we were getting our belongings to go. Then the doorbell rang. "Who could it be this early in the morning?" I asked.

I went and answered the door and to my surprise it was my parents. The last time I saw them I had said I was going to follow my dreams, and now here they are. "What are you guys doing here?"  I asked cautiously.

"We are here to see how you are doing, you are our daughter after all." My mom Alecia said.

"Come on in you guys know where the guest room is." I said trying to be polite. "We have to go to work and school now."

"We shall see you later then Kelsey" my dad Patrick said.

 When Clementine and I were driving to school I was complaining. "Why do they have to be here now? When I'm starting to get my career started."

"Well they are your parents and only want the best for you. And it is good seeing my grandparents." Clementine said cautiously.

"Well, they were living their dreams through me. I had to deal with it for a long time and I'm finally through. I am following my dreams not theirs."

"That may be true but they still care for you and obviously want to see how you are doing."

"Well, I hope they are only going to be here for the week, or I will explode. I mean I do love them but I just get really stressed when they are around."

We finally got to the school and I went straight to the classroom. When I got in I was starting to unpack. Then Leo came in and said, "I hope you know what you are doing little actress, because if not this will end badly." then he just left without letting me say anything. 

Could this day get any worse? I really hope not. I have to deal with my parents, and Leo in one day. This is the worst day of my life. I got ready for class to start, as the bell rang. Well, at least i had enough time to get ready.

"Good morning class, let's go over the rules and expectations today. I hope you enjoyed your day yesterday." I said.

I was using my free period or lunch to set up my actual lesson plans for tomorrow. Then Jay came in the door. "Hey how's it going?" Jay said.

"It is going good. What about you?" I asked curiously.

"It's going good. I was hoping to see how Clementine was doing with her classes."

"I am doing very good, except we just went over rules and expectations like everyone else." Clementine said as she entered the room.

"Hey Clementine that's good to hear. Well I best be off and good luck." Jay said.

"Well that was really weird. I'm glad we only have one more class today I'm tired from going over the rules and expectations." Clementine said sounding annoyed.

"That is true but I enjoyed going over the rules and expectations. Helps me connect with the students better. With which you did a lot of talking in class today. Why is that?" I said.

"I am just so excited and everything that I just couldn't be quiet. I'm sorry and I also told my other teachers that."

"Wait, you did this in your other classes too? You had better start behaving yourself before classes actually start going over the lessons. If not then you will be grounded until you learn your lesson."

"I know, I know. I will try harder, but anyways I brought you some lunch from the cafeteria. It is salsbury steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. The green beans don't taste good but I still ate them."

"OK, well the bell is about to ring so off to class. And remember to behave!"

Clementine and I got home at 5:15 P.M. When we went inside my parents were sitting and watching an old T.V. show I used to do when I was 19. It was called The Morning Family. That was one of my favorites, but it shouldn't be on the T.V. right now.

"Hi mom and dad. How was your day?" I asked nervously.

"It was good how about you guys?" My mom asked.

"It was tiring but amazingly exciting! I'm in 9th grade!" Clementine said excitedly as she ran and gave them hugs.

"Wait, you're in 9th grade? I thought you were in 7th grade?" My dad asked curiously.

"Clementine skipped a few grades because she was getting straight A+'s and she deserved this chance." I replied.

"I don't think she should have skipped any grades. She should have stayed in 7th grade to gain experience." My dad said.

"I am gaining experience and it was my choice not yours, and Kelsey is the one to make decisions in her household." Clementine said as she ran to her room.

"You do know you just upset her right? I hope you are happy." I said angrily. "I hope you know why you made her upset. I got her when she was little after finding out my brother was beating her. And you haven't done anything to help her. You guys were never there for her when she needed you. This is your first time actually seeing her."

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