Chapter 8

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It was 2 days later when I was hopefully going to get my house back. I have been waiting for the phone call all day. Yesterday I had called Dylan and he seemed pretty nice.

I dialed Dylan's number and he answered on the 5th ring. "Hello, this is Kelsey Jackson. Your father Officer Hopkins gave me your number." I replied.

"Oh my! Hi, I can't believe this! I am a huge fan! I have always loved your works." Dylan said. "I know you don't really know me very well, but would you like to go out to dinner and a movie?"

"How about we just start with coffee. I don't really know you and I would just like to be friends first."

I can't believe I'm doing this. but he does seem nice. And it is only coffee. Nothing serious will happen. And besides it will give me a chance to get to know him better.

"That would be perfect! It will give us a chance to get to know each other. How does Saturday sound? How about around 7:30 P.M.?

"What about 5:30 P.M.? I have to do things around the house and take care of my niece. I adopted her a while ago."

"Oh wow. 5:30 is fine with me. Would you like to bring your niece?"

"That would be great thanks! See you on Saturday."

"OK see you on Saturday, bye."

"Bye." I said as I hung up.

This is my first week. It is already Thursday and so much drama! Why do my parents have to be so aggravating? Come on call! "Hey Tracy, thanks for putting up with us these past 2 days." I said gladly.

"Oh it was no trouble at all. I just hope it works out today. You guys are always welcome! Besides, Clementine is a good kid, and her being here has lifted her spirits!" Tracy said.

Then my phone rang. The room went silent except for the ringing. I answered it after about 10 seconds. "Hello, Kelsey speaking." I said.

"Hey Kelsey, it is Officer Hopkins. We got them out of the house but they said they were going to call their lawyers, but the judge dismissed it." Officer Hopkins said. "You guys can go back to your house, but they sent all your stuff to the junkyard. Most of it is ruined except for a few things which we salvaged, and the hats were burned."

"What? They burned the hats?" I said getting tears in my eyes.

"Sadly yes, they burned the hats. I saved 3 of them though. I am really sorry. We will be suing your parents if you don't."

"No, I don't want to sue them. I just want to be here for Clementine, and work at the school. Thank you so much. And I don't know whether or not Dylan told you, but we are going to get coffee on Saturday. He does seem really nice."

"Well, I have to get back to work. But we will include you in what happens in the case. We will get them to pay for all the damage they have caused. I am actually the one suing them, I had parents the same way.

"My name didn't used to be Benjamin Tate, but I changed it to Benjamin Hopkins and became a police officer. I understand what-"

"Wait, you were Benjamin Tate? THE Benjamin Tate? You were really famous then you fell off the face of the earth. That's why you are trying to help me with my parents? It is because your parents were the same way?"

"Yes, they were. They tried many things to get me to stop following my dreams, but I wouldn't listen. Now I am happily married and have 2 sons and a daughter. I am who I have always wanted to be. Keep going, and do what you believe is right. It will work out."

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