Chapter 3

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Jay brought the test to Clementine after school was over. For my first day I think I did a good job but tomorrow the fun stuff started. Clementine said excitedly, "I have been waiting for this for a while I am so excited!"

"I'm glad you are excited because who knows how many grades you will be able to skip." I said knowingly.

"I will be her test advisor but I'm sorry Kelsey you can't be in here while she takes it." Jay said.

"Oh ok no prob Bob. I'm just joking about the Bob thing sorry." I said jokingly.

"It's ok I understand. I joke around like that all the time." He said laughing.

"I will wait outside until she is done with the test just let me know please."

"Ok no problem I will let you know."

As I was waiting outside the room I saw Leo coming toward me. "Hey what are you doing out here, shouldn't you be in your classroom planning for tomorrow?" he said snidely.

"My niece Clementine is taking a test to possibly skip grades. She has all A+'s and is a really bright girl. And I am making my plans for tomorrow but I can't with you hanging around talking." I said matter-of-factly.

"Ok fine I shall see you later, but I still doubt you will get anywhere here at the school actress." He said rudely.

Wow he is super mean and I have to work on my plans for tomorrow for two different classes. I can and will do this. I will prove him wrong.

It has been about an hour and twenty minutes. I am done with the plans for tomorrow. I wonder how much longer it will be. I think I am going to go get a snack. As I walk to one of the vending machines I collide with Thomas. "Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there! Are you all right?" I say to Thomas as I help him pick up his papers.

"I'm fine but are you all right you fell worse than I did. And thanks for helping me with the papers." he said worriedly.

"I-I'm fine just lost my breath. You're welcome for helping. How did today go for you?"

"It was perfectly fine. What about you? Oh, are you getting a snack? Here allow me to get it for you seeing as how I made you fall."

"I'm fine and yes I'm getting a snack but I can get it. And I was the one who made you fall, I wasn't paying attention."

"How about this we split the price and share the snack I sure can use one."

"Oh ok we'll call it even. What do you want to get?"

"How about Cheetos or Fun-yuns?"

"I love Cheetos and Fun-yuns! How about you decide I have to go check on my niece."

"Oh yeah she's taking the test to possibly well actually probably skip grades. And how about Fun-yuns."

"Yes she is and I know she will do good on it. And Fun-yuns it is."

We both put in our money and got Fun-yuns. As we walk back to our classrooms I can't stop thinking about how cute he is and what a nice guy he is. "Hey Kells guess what, I got the results!" said Clementine running up to us.

"You aren't supposed to run in the halls. And what are your results?" I say jokingly.

"She can skip two or three grades if she really wants to but both of you had better decide." Jay said happily.

"Well we shall see you guys later we will be deciding on this together. And I have everything planned for tomorrow and Wednesday." I say.

When we got home we started talking about whether she would go into eighth, ninth, or tenth grade. I was mostly leaning toward ninth grade so she wouldn't get too far behind or anything and then that way she would know what she is doing.

"Oh come on I want to go into tenth grade I wouldn't fall behind it would be easy for me." Clementine said.

"I think you should start in ninth it is in between eighth and tenth and it would make sense." I said trying to compell her.

"Ok fine you are right I wouldn't want to take too much on at once. Could I help with making dinner?"

"Yes you can help with making dinner I am making goulash or spicy chicken."

"Ooh I want spicy chicken we haven't had it in forever."

As we were making dinner I decided to call Jay and tell him so I could get her registered at the school. He finally answered on the fourth ring. "Hey, it is me Kelsey. I want to get Clementine registered by tomorrow so is there a way to do it online? We have decided ninth grade will be perfect."

"Yes, just go to the school's website and go to registration and voila you can do it online. And I would have to agree with you on ninth grade. Good luck to her and I know she will do a good job." Jay said enthusiastically.

When dinner was done I said, "You will be doing a lot of work and we have to get your classes chosen and tomorrow you will be starting at a completely new school. And we have to decide what to do for your birthday."

"I know I will be doing a lot of work and I want to take an art class for an elective. And also for my birthday I was hoping we could have it at the laser tag place. That was so much fun!"

"Ok laser tag it is. You have to get a guest list ready because I want to know how many people. And also I am going to be reserving it."

"This will be super awesome! I can't wait! I'm gonna go to my room and start getting my guest list ready."

"Ok well you have to go to bed soon it is 8:00 and your bedtime is guess what 9:00."

"Oh come on today was so exciting! Could I please go to bed at 10:00?"

"Oh ok but only for tonight. And I want you to keep your chin up high and try your best tomorrow."

We started getting her ready for school the next day with registration and deciding on classes. She got Algebra I with me, Junior ROTC, English I, and Earth/Space Science for her first semester. Her second semester Intro to Art, Algebra II, Biology, and English II.

By the time I got to bed it is 11:00. I was exhausted on my first day. But it was really amazing. I was proud of myself and of Clementine. I wondered what crazy hat she would wear tomorrow.

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