Chapter 2

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As I walked into the school for my first day with Clem at my side. There were three guys fighting with each other. I had to stop the fight! They were so close I could just barely get in between them and if they tried to punch or kick me I could block with the two karate art forms I have taken. I have two black belts, one in Tai Quan Do, and the other in Tang Soo Do. I got in between them and pushed them apart. They didn't try to hit me at all. I was glad. They did try to start fighting again but I pushed them apart once more.

"This isn't a spectator sport so go do something else! Clem go get Jay all right? What are your names you three?" I said exasperated.

Everyone went to do something else and Clementine ran off. "My name is Dude Car" said the boy with the dark red hair, red eyes from contacts, and nose ring with a skull.

"Yeah well "Dude Car" and the rest of you come with me to the principals office." I said matter-of-factly.

Then Jay came running up with Clem right in front of him. He was in a black suit and black tie. "I came as quickly as I could and good job Kelsey. You three in my office now!" Jay said angrily.

"Do you need me to come also, or go to the class to start teaching?" I asked.

"I will ask what happened later but you can just go to the classroom, after all it is your first day on the job."

"Ok I will see you later."

I went to the classroom with Clementine at my heels. When I got in the class it was in chaos. They were talking, tossing airplanes, and writing mean stuff on the board. Except for one kid in the front trying to duck away from the airplanes.

"Everyone quiet and take your seats!" I yelled. After that everyone quieted down and took their seats except for two kids in the back who kept throwing the airplanes. "You two, take your seats and stop throwing airplanes or you will have detention with me after school."

They sat down and looked at me mutinously. "Ok I am Ms. Jackson and this is my niece Clementine who will be here for today. Now I will take attendance and if you guys behave today I will give you the class rules and expectations tomorrow." I said happily.

"So basically today is a free day?" asked the kid in the back after I had taken attendance. His name is Stuart. He has short blonde hair and green eyes. He is wearing blue jeans and a blue and white striped shirt.

"Yes today will be a free day so long as it doesn't get too loud or too out of control, if it does good luck to you," I said matter-of-factly. After that the teacher next door came in.

"Hey, how are things going in here?" said the teacher from next door. He has short brown hair, and brown eyes. He is wearing a red suit and red tie. Wow very flashy! "My name is Thomas Reed. But you can just call me Thomas."

"I-I am um..." I said stunned.

"This is Kelsey Jackson and everything is going well today. I'm Clementine her niece! Very nice to meet you." Clementine said happily.

They shook hands. I still couldn't say anything. Why is this so hard? He is very cute. After a few minutes which felt like hours I finally said stupefied, "Yes, I'm Kelsey. The class and I are doing fine. It's very nice to meet you."

We shook hands and then he said happily, "If you need any help just let me know I'm right next door to you in Geometry II. Well see ya later!"

"U-huh" I said dazed.

"Wow what got into you?" asked Clementine knowingly.

"I don't know. I just couldn't think coherently when he came in" I said quietly.

During lunch I didn't know where to sit. I finally found a seat next to Jay and Thomas. They were in a conversation about the fight that morning when I was close enough to hear. "I suspended the kids for a month for fighting since it was the first time on the first day of school. But I hope it doesn't happen again." said Jay angered.

"I hope not either, sorry to intrude, but could Clem and I sit with you guys?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes you sure can." said Thomas. "Just be careful because Leo comes and sits with us too and he doesn't seem to like you."

"Thanks for the warning I'll be careful. But why doesn't he like me exactly?"

"He doesn't like you because you are an actress and he doesn't think you are smart enough for the job. I heard you let the students have a free day today but everyone lets them have a free day because of the "parent homework" tomorrow."

"Oh I get it. But it still doesn't make it right. And that is why I gave the students a free day anyways because of going over expectations and  class rules tomorrow. And also an only a get-to-know me kind of thing." I said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, and we had fun doing it, this kid in the front who was trying to dodge airplanes, his name is Charles Brighton, or Charlie but from what I can tell he is nice and really smart." said Clementine sincerely. "I can't wait to be in high school because right now I have all A+'s. And everything is really easy for me. My teachers let me have off because I took some extra classes last year in fifth grade."

"Clementine, do you know what I have been thinking about? I have been planning on you taking a placer test to have you skip a few grades. Only if you want to though and you would have to keep your grades up."

"Oh really? Could I? That would be so much fun!" she said excitedly.

"I can draw up the tests for you guys this weekend and see if she can." said Jay surprised.

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