Part 1: on set

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RDJ: y/n you ready?
Y/n: yep
'You start fighting'
Director: cut
Director: that was very good y/n!
Y/n: thank you
Director: let's take a break
'The whole marvel cast eats together, you can see that Lizzie stares at you'
Y/n: so Robert how's life going?
RDJ: haha, you always do the small talk when your bored!
' Lizzie is still looking at you, you look at her and make eye contact'
Y/n: how are you Lizzie?:)
Lizzie: I'm doing fine, how about you?
Y/n: I'm doing fine:)
'Lizzie smirks a bit'
Scarlett: lovebirds;).
Y/n: haha what?!
' you and Lizzie laughs'
Scarlett: you guys have been looking at each other the whole day!
RDJ: she's speaking facts! Haha
'You look at Lizzie, she is nervous'
Y/n: knock It off we are just friends
'Lizzie looks a little disappointed'
Lizzie: yeah. Yeah we're just friends
'You continue the filming'

Time skip:
'The filming is done for today'
RDJ: I'm throwing a party tomorrow all of you have to come!
Everyone: okay!
'After you left your taking the bus home'
On the bus:
Fan: omg y/n have you been filming?!
Y/n: yeah!
Fan: can I get a autograph?!
Y/n: yeah of course!
'You arrive to your house'
'You get a text from Lizzie'
Text: hi y/n are you going on RDJ's party?
'You answer her'
Text: yeah I am. Are you?
'She answers'
Text: yes I am! I'm looking forward to see you!
Y/n text: I'm looking forward to see you too!❤️

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