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I decided to text my twin since he has been doing a lot of good things lately.

Hey Harry I'm really proud of you❤️

Thanks sis, I'm sorry for everything. I love you❤️

I love you to brother❤️

"Did you text your brother?" Taylor asked I nodded and then went back to bed with her, for a whole day we laid in bed cuddling. When the evening started we decided to go out on a club "exited?" I asked "yes but I hate the paparazzis they alway does inappropriate things to get photos" I hugged her "I'm here to protect you okay?" I said kissing her forehead, lately I haven't thought about Lizzie it's 3 months since our breakup and she's dating Robbie again so I'm just living my life right now.

At the club me and Taylor walked in together holding hands, we walked to the bar and ordered some drinks. When I turned around I bumped into someone "oh I'm so sorry" I said not paying attention "it was my fault" I heard the voice of Elizabeth Olsen say "Lizzie?" I said she looked up "y/n? Hey.." she said awkward "how you been?" I asked "good you?" She asked "great" I said but our conversation got interrupted by Taylor "y/n are you coming Selena is waiting" "yep coming now!" I said kissing her. I looked at Lizzie again and saw that she looks broken at the sight of me kissing her "babe there you are" I heard Robbie say kissing her, I felt a sting in my chest but I shock it of "it was nice seeing you again" I said to Lizzie, I walked to Taylor and Selena and smiled "hey handsome" Taylor said kissing my cheek "hey ladies" I said smiling "let's dance" Taylor said grabbing my arm

Taylor and I started dancing she turned around and started grinding on me. I could really feel my hard on, Taylor must have felt it cause she turned around facing me, I looked at her a little embarrassed "it's okay" she said giving me a soft smile, a slow song started and we danced slow "this is really nice" I said kissing her, I looked around to see Selena and Justin kiss I also saw Lizzie looking at me and Taylor, of course she looked down and saw that I had a hard on. Great!😑

"Im a little drunk" Taylor said blurring out words "Ima go to the toilet quick" I said walking to the bathroom "great" I said looking at my hard on, "did she give you it?" I heard Lizzie ask "uh uh hey Lizzie" I said quickly covering it "Does she make you feel like I could?" She asked seductive "uhm uh" I stutter before I even could think I kissed her, my body just pushed me to kiss her. I've missed her so much but this can't happen I have been hurt one to many times now. I pulled away and walked out of the bathroom, "let's go" I said to the friend group. I picked Taylor up "weeee I can fly" I laughed at her "hey y/n" "hey" I said laughing even more "I love you" "I love you too" I said kissing her temple.

When we got home I laid her in her bed and helped her getting dressed "y/n what if we are supposed to only be friends" she said after she's sobered up "then we'll be friends" I said kissing her cheek "good night" she said cutely "night" I said driving home to my house.
End of season

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