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Y/n's POV
I woke up with Lizzie cuddling like a koala on me, she's just so adorable.
"I can feel you staring you know" Lizzie said "I love you" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too" I stood up from the bed but Lizzie just dragged me down to bed again, "are we just going to stay in bed all day?" I asked "yeah" Lizzie said straddling my lap, god this woman makes me go crazy!

We laid in the bed for a couple of hours then I got a call on my phone " is this y/n?" A man on the phone asked "yes who's this?" "This is doctor Johnson and we need you to come to the hospital in New York your mom has been getting worse" "yeah I'm on my way" I said, Lizzie looked at me confused. I got of the phone and started packing, "y/n what's going on?" She asked, I just stayed silent if I start talking I would just cry. "Y/n talk to me" she said getting up from bed and cupping my face. "My mom, she's got worse" I said crying on her shoulder " it's going to be okay, I'm coming with you" Lizzie said "no you got work, it's okay il be fine" I said kissing her "are you sure?" "Yes"
This trip was so good but now I'm on a plane to see my sick mom in a hospital bed, what's going on? "Would you like something to drink?" I heard a flight attendant ask i looked up to her "omg your y/n" she said excited "yes I am" i said feeling nothing but sadness "hey are you okay?" She asked, people usually just ask for a photo or something so I was a little shocked. "Usually I would say yes but I'm on my way home to see my sick mom" I said, she put a hand on my shoulder "I hope your okay, my mom had cancer last year and died for two months ago. I will pray for your mom" the attendant said giving me a weak smile "thank you" I said actually giving her a smile.
I'm in a cab on the way to the hospital, is she going to die? Is she going to be okay?
My heads full of so many thoughts "and we are here" the taxi driver said "thank you" I said paying him.

I walked inside the hospital and to my moms room. "Hey mom" I said "y/n" she said weakly "your here" "of course I am mom" I said crying a bit, "I'm dying y/n" "I know" I said crying even more "it's okay, you have been a perfect kid and daughter I love you so much y/n" I could barely look at her "I love you to" I said hugging her "I'm ready" my mom said closing her eyes. I zoned out and all I could hear was piping and doctors "Time if death 13:32" a female doctor said.

"Y/n" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw Scarlett "oh y/n" she said hugging me "she's dead" I said "I know the doctors said" she said hugging me tighter. "I'm here. okay?" Scarlett said looking me "I love you" I said "I love you to" she said taking my hand and leading me to her car "let's go home" she said.

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