Marry me!

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I woke up to my alarm, 'turn it off' Lizzie said in a childish grumpy voice. 'We gotta get up, we have the red carpet today' I said getting up from bed. 'Do we have to?' 'Yes' I said in a strict voice, 'fiiinnnnneee' lizzie said getting up from bed.

Me and Lizzie got ready, she is wearing a really beautiful dress.

I wore this:

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I wore this:

Me and lizzie walked together

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Me and lizzie walked together.

Omg I think they're dating!

I ship it!

God they're so cute!

I laughed and continued walking with Lizzie.
'Y/n! Can I get your autograph?' A fan girl asked, 'yeah of course!' I said giving her my autograph. 'Thank you!' The girl said. 'No worries! What's your name?' I asked 'my name is Lou' the girl said, 'What a beautiful name' I said hugging her. I walked away and wrote some more autograph,

I love you y/n

Marry me!

I bought tickets for your concerts!

God I love my fans! They're just so amazing 'thank you!' I yelled blowing a kiss to my fans.

God I love my fans! They're just so amazing 'thank you!' I yelled blowing a kiss to my fans

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'Your a star' Robert said to me, 'yeah I really am' I said laughing. 'Are you going to continue acting?' He asked, 'no I don't think so, I'm going to have a lots of concerts' I said posing for the photos.

Y/n over here!

When is the new music realising?!

Pose for a photo!

Y/n you look beautiful!

After a few hours me and Lizzie drove home, 'that was exhausting!' Lizzie said. 'I know right!'
'Let's go home and watch free guy' Lizzie said. 'Yes please!' I said changing to my pjs.
I was going to jump in bed but I fell down from it

 I was going to jump in bed but I fell down from it

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'Your so clumsy!' Lizzie said laughing. 'Stop bullying me!' I said like a little kid laughing, god I love this girl so much!
"I love you'" "I love you too"

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